Chapter 5

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I have to crane my neck to completely take in all of the Inferno Empire. A shiver tremors throughout my body, seeping into my bones at the very sight of it.

The entire empire is situated on a tremendous, ground shaking mountain range, every inch of it surging with life. The mountain range is lit up like a Christmas tree, the numerous lights a sign of the empire's vitality.

"Amazing," I gasp, my eyes glowing in excitement. I take a step forward, engraving the sight into my memory until I collide with Ronan's back. I expect him to snap at me, but he doesn't spare a glance.

"When we enter those gates, stick by my side and don't say a word. The empire is even more dangerous than the outside. You can make a powerful enemy just by staring at someone for too long," Ronan says as if recalling something. His eyes are fixated at the very top of the mountain range where the buildings sharply jut out into the sky, as if challenging the heavens.

The empire is encased in a set of intimidating walls and several watchtowers. The security is top notch, as shown by the line of guards that meet us at the gates. With a single flash of Ronan's badge, the heavy gates open and we are flooded with light and chatter.

"Durable battle gear selling cheap! Only 30 low-grade death crystals!" One man yells, waving a sign in the air. A crowd of people weave in and out of stalls selling different items. These stalls have been set up alongside the main road, a kind of market place for the common inhabitants of the empire.

What surprises me the most is how normal everyone appears. It's not like I expected anyone to sprout two heads and be able to breathe fire, but I did brace myself for the unexpected. I don't know whether to be disappointed or relieved.

I glance at a pair of mother and daughter that seem normal at first, but upon closer examination I realize have patches of silver fish scales coating their body. When I study the empire's inhabitants a little closer, it becomes clear that there's something off with them; they're subtle details like a tail sprouting from behind or a horn splitting from a forehead that give away their demon nature

"Now selling swords with a fire affinity!" Says another man, glaring the other sellers down. A screaming match ensues between all the sellers, tossing out promises about better prices and quality goods.

"I forgot how noisy the market place can be," Ronan grumbles and strings me along the crowded stone path. We pass a shop selling grilled meat and my stomach growls as the smell reaches my nose.

"Can we..." I begin, knowing full well the answer. However, I haven't eaten in several hours and I think I deserve a meal after traveling from one whole world to the next.

"You're expensive enough as it is," He says firmly.

I pout my lip but say nothing. Am I just a thing? An object?

Ronan stops at one of the shops and uses his ring to summon 'the shadow' corpse that attacked me earlier. "Don't wander off," he says before turning to the shopkeeper.

"Okay, okay," I sigh. All he can do is spout commands.

I intend to keep my promise and in the meantime observe people passing by, but a flash of metal catches my eye. Before I know it, I'm observing several daggers laid neatly on a table, all of them eye catching with their intricate designs. Something about them is so hypnotizing, to the point where I've forgotten where I am.

My eyes are drawn to one particular dagger in a silver sheath – the one that stands out because of its simplicity. Although it lacks the magnificent golden engravings of its siblings, it's the most beautiful in my eyes.

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