55. Decision

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A.N// welcome to 2017! an entire explanation to my disappearance will be at the end so if you've been wondering why i went missing, read the ending author's note..everything will be explained there. before we get started, i just wanted to apologize for not updating for so long and i hope you enjoy this at least. read on
Kate's POV

It seemed like the more time that passed, the more and more comfortable Luke became. Normally, he would show a little bit more confidence whenever we'd do something that could be categorized in the least bit of intimate, but right now, he appeared to be way more timid.

Every move he made felt way too calculated when it was usually very free spirited.

Of course I didn't mind too much because today was actually the first time I'd allowed him to touch me in a while so it was bound to be at least a little awkward. Neither of us made any effort to stop, but on the other hand, we didn't make any moves to progress our positions further.

Most of the time, Luke's hand would roam free, going wherever they pleased or wherever he saw fit, and that was one of my favorite things. Now, he just had one rested on my cheek and the other settled on my waist. His body wasn't even flush against mine. He seemed to be using whatever strength he had in his thighs to hover just above me.

The kiss was also pretty gentle, and that was something to be expected because that's how it always was after a fight, but he would've become a little bit more dominant with it by now.

All of these different factors confused me, but I tried not to dwell on it too much as I wanted to just act in the moment and not on past or future occurrences. Trying to apply that to my currents thoughts, my hands that I had just rested by my sides, as I wasn't sure what to do with them, traveled from his waist up to his back and I grabbed fistfuls of his shirt.

It apparently had a good effect because Luke, in turn, moved is hand that was on my waist to my upper thigh before wrapping my leg around his waist, pressing his body completely against mine. He even slipped his tongue, past my involuntarily parted lips, to take more control of the kiss.

My hormones had become immune to our current position, remaining pretty stable the entire time except for the initial contact. I felt the butterflies and the warmness spreading throughout my body at first, but the longer we stayed like this, the faster it died out. I couldn't help but feel like I needed something to happen to spark that flame again, but I didn't exactly know what.

I obviously wasn't going to have sex with him because quite frankly, there was still some distrust for him left, and I didn't know how I was going to get rid of it. Maybe the more I interacted with him after his revelation, I would realize that he's still the same Luke I fell in love with. The only thing different was that he went behind my back while I trusted him with something valuable and important to me.

I guess it sounded worse than intended, but it was a better plan in my head. I really wanted to find a way to forgive Luke completely because no matter if I wanted to be or not, I was so in love with him, and there was virtually nothing I could do about it at this point.

I moved my hand once again from his back up to cup both of his cheeks, bringing him that much closer to me if it was even possible. They then moved again to the nape of his neck, resting there to gently play with the hair, that'd grown out quite a bit since the last time we were in a predicament similar to this one, there.

After a few moments, I finally tangled my hands in his hair and tugged on the roots a little, eliciting very raspy groan from Luke. It sounded like he was trying his best to hold it in, but it probably came out against is will. That was what I was looking for because it lit my insides on fire, making me melt right under him.

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