I went to my job and decided to quit. Dani understood, and besides, I was off to uni soon in the next year. I wanted a full break, and as much as I loved working there, I couldn't do it anymore. Harry said it was reasonable, but probably only agreed so he could see more off me, which I now regret.

Harry is a slob. The messiest person I have ever fucking met. I'm not an OCD freak but when it comes to clothes and trash being everywhere, I lose it. I don't like feeling like I'm in a pig pen. I love him so much, and I'm trying to get over it, but it's just sitting around here in my face, mocking me.

Harry was out today. He gave me no clue as to where he went, and said he'd return later.

Well...It was later, and I was pissed. I spent the whole day cleaning his home. Vacuuming, dusting, taking out the trash, and cleaning his bathroom....let's just say, he better love me as much as he says he does.

I was laying on the sofa, flipping through the channels and smelling the newly scented lavender fabric. The scent soothed me and I could feel myself drifting off in and out. I was so comfortable, I wasn't sure if I'd ever move again. Harry may be a slob, but man, does he pick out good furniture. He may just find me sleeping out here and not in the bed tonight.

I hugged the pillow tighter, breathing in deeply one last time before I met the beautiful feeling slumber. Yet I was only granted minutes of it before his front door was opened and shut. I could hear him taking off his boots and jacket as he made his way further into the house.

"Babe, what are you still doing up?" He asked, leaning over the back of the sofa. I was happy to see he wasn't drunk, or had any sign of doing drugs on him like I feared.

"You said you'd be back later. I thought later would be about nine or so, but as it got later and hit midnight, I got worried. I just didn't think you'd be coming in at half past one..."

"I'm sorry babe. I really wanted to be home earlier but I got stuck and couldn't." He sighed, walking around to the front of me and leaning down.

"Where were you?"

"I was looking for a real job at first, but as I was walking to my car to come home, I ran into my old friend, Zayn. And we went out to have dinner and catch up. After we got talking, he found out I was jobless and offered me and great offer I couldn't turn down. I had to stay and finalise everything because the job would be given away if I didn't act fast. I'm sorry I was just so caught up in it, and forgot to text you. I'm sorry baby." He explained, kissing me on lips.

"No, no. It's fine I get it now. My happy for you. Did you get it? What's the job?"

"Yeah I got it, and I'm actually going to work as head of security for concert events that will be happening in London."

"London?" I choked. That's nearly an hour away.

"Yeah...I was planning on explaining this tomorrow but since you're awake, I'll ask you now."

"Ask me what? For permission for you to take the job? Because you should, it's pays great and you've always loved London. I-I guess I'll just see you on the weeken-"

"Shh, no, we won't have to compromise. Unless you don't agree. But I would love nothing more then for you to move out there with me. Move in with me, go to uni there and I'll handle everything else. Just come with me, please baby." He smiled, cupping my cheeks.

"Move in with you? To London?" My eyes widened.

"Yes, with me. It's not like you won't be living in a dorm there when you go to uni. I found an apartment close to your school, and it's close for me. Baby, everything is all planed out. Just say yes." He pleaded with hopeful eyes.

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