[50] You took my heart, could I please have it back?

Start from the beginning

He gently pulled the book out of my hands and as I turned to glare at him, he smiled at me angelically. He hid it behind his back and I lunged for it but he laughed, sliding off the sofa. I chased him across the attic for it but he wouldn't give it to me until I'd forgiven him.

"Bribery," I sulked as I gave him a light kiss on the lips and he handed it back with a cheeky grin.

"Always wins," he winked and I marked my place in the book before putting it down, taking both his hands in mine.

"Shall we go to your house or just stay?"

"I'm feeling lazy...let's just stay," he smiled and we sat on the sofa, me leaning against him with his arm around my shoulder.

We sat in comfortable silence for a while, me listening to the steady rhythm of this heart. The heart that belonged to me; as mine did him. Then Alex just had to go break the romantic moment between us, with a usual obsession for boys.

"I'm hungry,"

I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Then let's go downstairs and get some food," I said, standing up and pulling him up with me. I climbed down the ladder first, and he followed shortly after, taking my hand as we went into the kitchen.

I opened the fridge and raised a grim eyebrow at the emptiness, sighing as I chucked him one of my precious apples. He caught it with a grin and kissed my cheek, taking a bite out of it.

"You not hungry?"

"Just had one," I gestured at the Braeburn in his hand.

The silence that followed was not awkward but it looked like it was going to be that way when dad entered, so Alex started a conversation that soon led to them arguing playfully over some sport or other. I decided men would be men and left them to it, in no mood to decipher their sporting language.

Then dad suddenly remembered that the football was on or something so he dashed into the living room. Alex looked like he wanted to follow but I grabbed his hand before he could, reached up, and kissed him.

He lifted me up as we got more into the kiss, setting me on the counter so I didn't have to stretch. My hands entangled themselves in his hair as he hugged me close, his warm lips suffocating mine; but a good, very good suffocation.

I got that usual sensation of my heart somehow filling up with some invisible substance; love. It was usual but every time it was magical and I never wanted it to end. I never wanted to part from Alex; this perfect boy who had changed my life, much for the better.

Our bodies were pressed against each other as our lips moved frantically, as though trying to devour the other, and I slipped my hand under his shirt, my fingers touching his warm, smooth back. His own fingers touched my waist gently as though asking permission and I smile against his lips at how sweet he was.

Once he figured I wasn't going to slap him, he tentatively brushed his fingers against my waist, under my top, not going any further than that though. I found it sweet how he didn't want to take it too far.

"Hey!" there was a sudden exclamation and Alex and I pulled apart, breathless, our hands instantly by our sides as we turned to face the intruder, wide eyed. Dad was standing at the doorframe with a scowl on his face. "If you were touching my daughter inappropriately..."

I rolled my eyes exasperatedly. "He wasn't, dad," I said with a hint of impatience, hoping he'd go back to the TV.

"Well still," his gaze turned to face Alex with a glare. "Don't you dare mishandle her," he threatened. Alex opened his mouth and replied, the words tumbling out of his mouth seemingly with a mind of their own, and then his mouth clamped shut as he realised what he'd said.

You took my heart, could I please have it back?Where stories live. Discover now