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what the signs should focus on in 2017

aries:thinking before they make decisions and opening up more to people

taurus:loosening up and making things less complicated for themselves

gemini:realizing who their real friends are and stop giving energy to people who don't appreciate it

cancer:being honest with their emotions and learning to not take their frustrations out on others

leo:listening to what other's have to say and working on not taking everything so personally

virgo:taking time to do things for themselves, and not neglecting their needs for others

libra:learning to be happy without being constantly being surrounded by people who boost their egos

scorpio:learning to let things go and trusting the people that care about them

sagittarius:taking time to get to know people and letting people get to know them

capricorn:realizing they don't have to plan their whole lives out; it's okay to have fun

aquarius:going out and making real connections with others not just making acquaintances

pisces:cutting harmful people out of their lives
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