Interesting zodiac statistics...

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Interesting zodiac statistics

(These may or may not be true, but I just trolled around Google to find these facts and thought they were fascinating)

Aries are least likely to marry Leos or Scorpios, and if they do, the divorce rate is high. Other signs that Aries divorce more are: Libra, Cancers and Virgos. Least likely to divorce: other Aries, Sags, and Aquas.

Taurus are obviously more concerned with money. More Tauruses are business majors in college and are involved in crimes like money laundering.

Geminis are very versatile and restless, it seems. More Geminis report being the least satisfied with their jobs, but at least they're the sign that commits crimes the least, too!

More comedians are born under Cancer, but so are serial killers and murderers. Coincidence?

Rome, France, Los Angeles, Chicago, Romania and Madrid are some locations considered to be Leos. Important people are also Leos: Napoleon Bonaparte, Barack Obama, and Amelia Earhart

More billionaires are Virgos than any other sign, and they tend to be more financially successful.(me)

Libras are about 30% less likely to get divorced than any other sign, and generally enjoy longer marriages/relationships.

Scorpios are more likely to become writers, teachers, or scientists. Plus, they're not as evil as they sound; they are one of the signs that cheat the least, and commit crimes the least.

Sagittarius get lucky breaks, as people born under this sign become famous much quicker, get away with crimes, have less kids, have more sex, and make more money out of all the signs.

Capricorns are the ones who are most likely to have many children in their lives. It's probably because they're the sign that is also most likely to cheat on their partner!

Aquarius is the least common sign, but Aquas can become the most well-known since they're more likely to become famous, more than Sagittarius

Pisces probably have the worst luck in the zodiac. They make the least amount of money and are more likely to get divorced or experience breakups.

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