"It was an accident," She said nonchalantly.

"Really? Sure didn't seem like it. Or are you really just that fat that you take up the whole fucking hall?" I spat.

I know you should never call a girl fat. But, I was too angry to think about the words I throw at her. When I'm overwhelmed with a feeling or emotion, I don't think. I do things, I say things, I think things. Sometimes I don't mean to, sometimes I don't want to, but I do it.

"Oh, no, you didn't," She said, a hint of threat in her voice. She doesn't scare me, who does she think she is?

"Oh, yes, I fucking did, what 'cha gonna do about it?" I teased, smirking at her. It won't be difficult fighting her. She seemed like she lacked muscle.

She pounces at me, but her noble bitches held her back saying: 'Caitlin no, get in another fight and you'll be expelled!'

I walked over to the girl who's named seemed to be Caitlin and went up to her face.

"Listen, I don't take shit from nobody. You picked the wrong new girl to mess with." I said, before walking away. Emily runs after me.

"Holy shit! You pissed her off big time, you are so lucky not a lot of people are in her little clique or else you'd be dead," She said.

I shrug and walk into class.



You know what I hate about 5th period?

Harry Styles.

I know what you're thinking.

'But Harry Styles is so attractive, it would be a pleasure to have the same class as him'


No. No. No. No. No.

Harry takes advantage of the fact that Dean is not in this class so all Harry does is flirt and tease me. It's like flirt Olympics up in here. He doesn't know when to give up. I turn him down every time. I have no idea what he sees in me.

"Come on, Ve." Harry says. "Just let me take you out, and maybe do a little bit of something else." He says winking.

I sneer at him. "Ew, gross. I'd rather not. And don't call me that."

He grins "I bet you're still a virgin."

I tense up and look away.

"Come on, Ve, loosen up a bit." He says, putting a hand on my thigh and running it up closer to the spot I definitely don't want him to touch.

I gasp, sitting up, I turn to look at him and slapped him as hard as I could. Making his face turn the other way.

"Fiesty," Harry remarks. He looks at me, rubbing his cheek.

"Venus!" The teacher yells.

Harry puts his hands up and waves it away. "It's my fault, teach', don't worry about it."

"You two, out in the hall, now. You two are not coming back in until you figure this out." The teacher demands.

I clench my teeth and walked out of the room, I slam my back into a locker as Harry closes the door behind him. A smug grin written across his face, I cross my arms and glare at him.

"Ve, ju ―"

"Don't call me that. Only my friends can call me that, you're not my friend."

"Harsh." He says, pouting. He then rolls his eyes and sighs. "Okay, Venus," He says, exaggerating my name. "Just give me one chance, and I'll prove myself better than your lame boyfriend."

"No, thanks. I'm content with what I have."

"You can do much better and you know it."

"No, I don't."

"Oh, come on!" He says, rather loudly "It's true and you fucking know it's true. You're hot, Dean's not. He's a fucking loser. Me? I'd say I'm pretty attractive." He says with a smirk. "I can give you one hell of a ride, Venus."

"You need to shut the hell up before I kill you." I say, sternly.

"You wouldn't." Harry smirks.

"You're right, I wouldn't. But I wouldn't hesitate on hurting you."

"I'd like to see you try, honey."



6th period, end of the day. Thank god, today was one weird day. I was seated next to Venus and my brother.

"Hey Ash?" He asked quietly.


"Is something bothering you?"

"No, why?"

"Because you look like you're in deep though."

I shrug and looked back at the teacher. I was dozing off to my own world when a guy with black hair and brown eyes walked in.

"Mister Malik, where were you?" The teacher asked, obviously annoyed he walked in late and disrupted the entire class.

He shrugged and took a seat, smiling at a girl next to him.

"That's Zayn," Venus whispered "That girl sitting next to him is his girlfriend, Perrie. He's friends with Harry, Niall, Louis, And Liam. Zayn's the top artist and he's a really good singer."

I nod. I guess Zayn's the talented one. But who's Liam?

"Who's Liam?" I ask

"That guy over there," She says, pointing at a guy with brown hair and brown eyes "He's extremely smart."

And there's the brains. So, Louis is the Athlete, Liam is the brains, Harry is the slack off, Niall is the player, and Zayn is the talent. Interesting.

Soon, the day has ended and I was knackered. I grab my stuff from my locker and turn around, and found myself less than 3 inches away from some guys face. I accidentally shrieked and backed away, He laughed and held his hand out.

"My name's Zayn, what's yours?" He asked, is he really expecting me to shake his hand and introduce myself after that?

"Ashley," I reluctantly shook his hand.

He chuckles. "Don't worry, I don't bite."

Yeah, because the first thin I worry about meeting a stranger is if they bite. Though, he's not as bad as I expected him to be, since he's from the pretty boys and all.

"Hey, I saw what you did to Caitlin earlier." He says, chuckling. "She deserved that. I hate her."

I smiled and looked down at my feet.

"Here's my number," He says, handing me a piece of paper with scribbled numbers in them "Text me or something, I got to go. See yah." He walks away, waving me good bye. I smiled and waved.

I like this guy, we might become really good friends in the near future.


Author's note: uGH I'VE BEEN MAKING SO MUCH SHORT CHAPTERS LATELY I AM SO SORRY OMFG. I promise to make the next chapter longer. I don't know why I make author's notes every single chapter when I know you guys don't read it?? So uh yeah bye.

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