Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"What were you doing with that bloody git?" Ron asked Hermione.

"He just walked up to me and started talking" Hermione answered.

"Why did you start talking to the enemy?" Ron asked as his voice got louder.

Hermione just ignored him but that didn't help. "I asked you a question Hermione!" This time yelling very loud. Everyone gave him looks but he didn't realize. He was too busy staring at Hermione.

"Ronald I am aloud to talk to anyone I want and you can't tell me not to because I am an adult and I can take care of myself." Hermione said in one breath.

Ron stayed silent after that.

After they were done shopping they went back to the burrow to pack their things. Hermione ran up to hers and Ginny's room. Ginny ran after her.

Hermione heard Ginny behind her "Gin can I just be alone right now?" Hermione said on the brink of tears.

Ginny didn't leave she just walked up to Hermione put her arm around her and asked "Hermione you can tell me, what's wrong?" They sat down on Ginny's bed and Tears slowly crept down Hermione's face.

"Why is your brother acting like this? First he ignores me then when I got Head Girl he didn't seem to care and last he yells at me for talking to someone. I just don't understand it." Hermione said through sobs.

Ginny looked shocked "Oh I will kill that bastard!" Ginny said angrily as she got up off the bed.

Hermione stopped Ginny "No please don't do anything to him."


"Because he doesn't know what wrong, what's bothering me, or why your beating him up." Hermione stated firmly.

"Well what do you want to do about it."

Hermione started to cry again "I don't know."

Ginny comforted her friend and whispered thing to her like " it's okay," and " everything will be okay." While rubbing her back.

Hermione stopped crying and wiped the tears from her face. "We need to pack so we can go to Hogwarts."

Ginny got up and started packing her things. Hermione was packing very slowly and she started to cry silently so Ginny wouldn't hear her. Unfortunately for Hermione, Ginny heard and hugged her saying "it's okay, you don't need to be strong."

"Thank you Ginny."

"Do you want me to help you pack seeing as I'm already done?"


Both of them packing together took no time at all. They were done and they went downstairs to find Harry and Ron downstairs ready to go.
*i'm going to skip to the part on the Hogwarts Express.*

On the train it was really awkward. Then someone with platinum blonde hair came into the compartment and said "Granger, Mcgonagall wants to see us" then left.

"I guess I better go" Hermione got up and Ron grabbed her wrist pulled her to him and kissed her sloppily on her mouth. He let go and Hermione got out of the compartment fast. She wasn't paying attention to anything around her and she was mumbling "he's so confusing, first he doesn't want me then he kisses me" then she ran into someone with grey eyes and platinum blonde hair. We fell to the ground.

"Hey! Watch where you're going... Oh Granger are you okay?"

"Fine" Hermione went back to mumbling "He's so confusing." Unfortunately Draco heard.

"Who's so confusing?" He asked.


"You said 'he's so confusing' who?"

"Oh... you heard that?" She said very quietly.


"It's nothing, don't worry about it."

"If you say so."

It was really awkward until Draco said "let's go to Mcgonagall to see what she wants us for."

"Yeah let's go" they walked in silence until they reached Mcgonagall.

"Where have you too been? Oh never mind I have to talk with both of you. You may already know this but you are Head Boy and Head Girl." They both looked very shocked. Mcgonagall spoke again "you will have to share a small common room on the 7th floor, you cannot tell anyone where it is. Now you can go back to your compartments."

We walked back in silence. Once Hermione got back to her compartment Ginny asked "why did Mcgonagall want to see you?"

"Head girl stuff." She said

"Who's the Head Boy?" Ginny asked

Hermione sighed and said quietly "Draco Malfoy."

Ron jumped up and yelled "WHAT?!?!"

"Incase you haven't noticed Ron were on a train and people can hear us so stop shouting." Hermione whisper screamed." I can take care of myself anyways."

"Yeah sure."

Hermione ignored the comment from Ron and said "Ginny I need to talk to you in private."

Ginny got up and walked out of the compartment with hermione.

Before Ginny could say one word Hermione blurted out "I don't know what to do Ginny I have to share a dorm with Malfoy. DRACO MALFOY, I didn't tell Harry because I know he would start to yell like Ron and I hate yelling. Ginny I don't know what to do, how to tell him I have to share a dorm with Malfoy or how i'm going to deal with him for the whole year."

Ginny was processing all that hermione said and finally managed to ask "Draco Malfoy?"

"YES, DRACO MALFOY." Hermione yelled very quietly so only Ginny could hear her. "What do I do?"

"Well maybe it won't be so bad."

"It's Draco Malfoy. It will be terrible."

"Well let's just not think about it, we're almost at Hogwarts." Ginny said as she left to get dressed into her robes. Hermione was already dressed because well, she was Hermione. There really is no explanation to why she was already dressed in her robes.

"This is going to be a very long year."

A/N hey guys. So this chapter was 1000 words. I hope that you enjoyed and i will try to post a new chapter every week. Bye guys. WAIT!!!! I just realized I need a name to call you guys. Comment on what my name for you will be. I will chose the one that I like the most. So byeeeeeee!!

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