II. Seeking the Serpent

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My journey has begun
I've had a lot of time to think​​​​​
My thoughts, flooded in nothing but missing you
Each day that goes by, I said I'd only need you for strength
As I search for the friend you left the secrets with... 

The aerial drive was peaceful, despite the constant banter between your two partners which was normally welcomed by you. Their light arguing made the ride a little more manageable, until they started bickering about their love lives. One was becoming sober while the other was downright drunk, you really wanted to throw the both of them out of vehicle period.

"Hic....Nyx, you need to...hic...get your girl.." Crowe said, slinging her arm around Nyx's shoulders. You had him sit back there with her so he can make sure that she wouldn't fall out. You sigh, remembering how this all happened in the first place.
You didn't want to stop again for a while since Nyx stated that the owner of the tavern new of the spy's whereabouts. He was about to ask Crowe to do the seduction but thought about how badly that went last time. They were almost arrested for her overly bold attempt.
"[Name], I need you to seduce the bartender into giving you info about Anguis's whereabouts." You sighed in annoyance, only agreeing since this was apart of the mission. You knew that Nyx asked you instead of Crowe for a reason that they never wanted to speak of, just one of those missions that no one mentions. What happens on a mission stays on a mission you supposed.
"My my, aren't you a nice catch." You went up to the bar with graceful steps, slowly sitting onto the stool, and leaning forward. Luckily your jacket you that you wore only left the man's sight to his imagination. You ordered your food and a simple glass of water.
"So, what's a pretty woman like you doing in this ghost town?" He asked, placing your order on the bar table, taking his left hand and brushing it against your arm. You giggle into your gloved hand, faking a small smile as you didn't deny the man's touch.
"Oh, actually I was looking for a Mr. Loci. Do you know if he's here?" You said, brushing your hair out of your eyes, and gazing up at him with false interest.
"Can I ask why your interested?" He said and anxiously began fiddling with a glass.
"Oh well, I heard that he was such a great information broker and I admire him." You say, taking a long sip from your water, and keeping a focused stare on the bartender. The man looked at you in surprise but cleared his throat, straightening himself up. In a way, he kind of reminded you of Prompto...
"Is that so, well doll you came to the right place. Ask away, I'm at your service." Loci whispered into your ear and you internally groaned at his close proximity.
"Well, I was wondering if you've ever heard about a man who goes by the name Anguis?" You whispered back into his ear and you saw him visibly shudder at your actions as you poked a finger to the collar of his shirt. You decided to mess with him more, pulling the tie that was wrapped around his neck, and making him come closer to your face.
"Uh...y-yeah, I know a thing or two about him." He lets out a nervous cough, you give him a bright smile at the news, and this brought on a very noticeable blush on the man's face.
"I'm happy to hear that, can you tell me about him please?" You said in a low sultry tone that made him gulp. From the corner of your eye, you saw Nyx nodding as a form of acceptance at your progress. You could hear Crowe's maniacal laughter from the opposite side of the bar as she watched you act. In a way, she felt proud because she had only shown you the ways of seduction once.
"W-Well...Anguis lives in the outskirts of Niflheim, he's a wanted man with a growing bounty since his escape from the empire. He used to be a trusted adviser of Iedolas Aldercapt, emperor of Niflheim. Do you want to meet him?" Loci asked you once you released him from your grip, you continued to stare at him with false affection.
"If you would do so sir, that would really make my day." You said and he took your free hand, giving it a chaste kiss.
"Well little kitty, as an info broker everything comes with a price." He said to you and you get up from your stool. You move your hair to one side, brace yourself for false intentions that made you want to lock yourself in your room, and never come out from embarrassment. 
"Well, I think that can be arranged right now." You said in a sensual tone, making him leap from his position at the bar and come around towards you.
"Ah ah ah, information first." You lightly scold him making him give you an impatient look. You sighed, do all men just think that women are there for their taking?
"Oh, here. I'll be right back!" He said and raced towards the back of the tavern, coming back with a small piece of paper. He placed it into your hands, grabbed tightly at your wrist, and tugged you into his back room. 
Once you were in there, he pinned you to the nearest wall, and tried to attack your neck. Your instincts kicked in, causing you to instantly raise your knee into his crotch, and he hissed in pain loudly. He tried to become rougher in his attempts out of pain, only for you to press roughly on the pressure point in his neck. His eyes snapped close as he slumped to the floor, his whole body limp.
"Tch..." You take out a small package of Gil that you had and threw it at the man's feet. When you opened the door, you saw Nyx gazing down at you with a worried glint in his naturally stoic stare.
"Is everything all right? I heard some fumbling, so I came to check." He said, observing the damage you dealt to the poor male. He saw that the man was curled up with hands covering his crotch area making Nyx cringe. Even if what the man did was bad, males shared each other's pains when it came down to that. Especially when it had to do with your kicks, they always hurt during training.

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