I. Prepare To Say Goodbye

Start from the beginning

"Your Majesty, is it really a great idea to allow [Name] on this mission." Nyx said after you closed the door to the room. He did not like seeing that primal blood lust that shined in your eyes, he knew if you didn't get a hold of yourself then you could be drowned in it.
"Of course I'm sure, I know about her undying hatred for Niflheim empire but you will need her on this trip. Her parents infiltrated the empire with her as a runaway family from Lucis as a disguise. Her parents hid the information that I needed and when only [Name] came back, she's the only person who even knows about their whereabouts." King Regis spoke highly of the [Surname] family and Crowe frowned.
"Well I hope she remembers that part, remember when she came back she was suffering from severe trauma." Crowe said, concerned for her young female friend.
"As do I, that is why I'd like the two of you to assist her. You are the closest people around her as of now and I know she doesn't take to kindly of me now." King Regis said grimly. After all, he was the one who sent the three of you out to uncover those documents so he tried to bare full responsibility for their deaths.

Your mind couldn't stop drifting to your parent's death, only loosing them a year ago it was still fresh in your mind. You shook your head as an attempt clear your thoughts, almost gasping in surprise as you bumped into a servant.
"Sorry about that." You apologized, not even looking at the person, and quickly walked around them. Without looking back, you headed towards your room. Little did you know that wasn't a servant, it was Ignis Scientia.
"I wonder what's troubling Lady [Name]." Ignis mumbled to himself and continued his search for the young prince.

Meanwhile, you were speed-walking towards your room in the corridor on the opposite side of the throne room. This corridor was exclusive to the Kingsglaive and Prince Noctis's room was nearby just in case of an emergency.
You walked up into your room and quickly closed the door. You looked outside to see that it was already evening, after a long days work you realized you were extremely tired. But you knew that you had to keep pushing yourself beyond your limits.
You took off your Kingsglaive uniform and prepared to take a shower, laying the barely used uniform onto your bed. You walked into your bathroom and turned on the shower making water ran smoothly down your scarred body. The hot water was doing wonders to your muscles and you sighed, pressing your forehead against the tile in front of you. 
You took your hair out of it's confining braid and let your hair cascade down your back as you gently massaged your scalp.
"Ah, if only I could have more relaxing days like these..." You sighed to yourself and rinsed the soap out of your hair and body. After that, you took a white towel that was draped on your rack and began to dry yourself off.
You dressed yourself in some spare sweats you had laying around and fell onto your bed.
"It's almost that day huh, Mom....Dad..." You whisper to yourself, staring up at the black painted ceiling. Your focus went down to your Mother's wedding ring that was on the opposite hand instead of the ring hand. This ring was the one that your dad gave her. You kept your dad's ring in a case, not wanting to ruin it. 
You could faintly remember your mother giving you them before going to fend off the remaining Niflheim soldiers. Whenever you tried to think back to their deaths, your body tenses up with fear, eyes dilating irregularly, and your breath came out in short pants.
Your mother and father were your world, you had once felt that you needed no one else but them in your life. Once they were stolen from you, you numbly picked up the pieces, and tread on. You wondered why you hadn't even shed a single tear, no matter how much you knew you wanted to.
You get up from your bed and pack some necessities you felt you would need. Just in case, you slipped a large pouch of potions, antidotes, and phoenix downs just in case you were ambushed by the enemy. Grabbing your pouch filled with Gil, you take it, redress into your Kingsglaive uniform, and walk out of your room with your bag in tow.
You decided to take a walk in town because who knew how long it would be when you came back. Niflheim was a pretty long distance from here and it would at most take up to 3 days to get there and another 3 to come back. That would be up to a week and that was only if you didn't make any sudden stops.

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