"Mr. Perfect" Likes Me Back?

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After he said said those words to me, I smiled and replied back to him,
"I'll miss you too, but we can text." With that, we went on to our separate busses and parted ways. Once we were both home we picked up texting and it was my dads weekend, my parents are divorced and my dad can be abusive sometimes. I decided to tell Bryan just in case anything happened, he immediately got worried and told me to be safe, I could tell he cared but I was not going to let anything happen because I wanted to facetime so badly. My dad drove himself and I to his girlfriends house, Sharon, and tonight was the night I was supposed to facetime Bryan. At the moment, Bryan and I were talking about crushes and he said,
"I've never had a crush on a girl before." I was fully aware that I was starting to like him and reading that he basically had just admitted to not liking me back was hurtful and the only thing I could think of saying back was, "oh" He asked me what was wrong and I thought he had already knew about my feelings for him, yet I was still nervous about telling him so I said "Well not that you'll care, but I like you..." My heart raced and I put my phone down, immediately regretting my decision. I paced in the room I was staying at, and panicked. I kept asking myself why I told him, I was so so so afraid I had just ruined my friendship with my very best friend. *BUZZ BUZZ* My thoughts were cut off by my phone ringing, I slowly walked towards it like I was scared of it, and I kinda of was. As I picked it up I braced myself for his rejection, but instead I was surprised when I read that he liked me too. He had answered my confession in such a sweet way, "Well I do care because I like you too" My heart was really racing at this point, did he really like me? How could someone like him like someone like me? Now I'll tell you guys a little bit about myself, my name is Lexi, I was 15 at the time and one of the oldest in my grade, yet I was small with medium length dirty blonde hair that curled at the edges and was naturally wavy. I had a nose too big for my face, and enough acne to cover my entire grades face, plus I wasn't too bright of a student. I honestly hated myself at this point, I was going through that really rough teenager stage of life and to believe this boy, this amazingly cute, athletic, sweet, charming boy actually liked me back was unbelievable. I was beyond happy and I almost forgot to answer him! "omg really? So that means we're definitely still facetiming right?" Oh silly me and wanting to hear his voice, if only I knew.

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