Maybe We Were Meant To Be Best Friends

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It was the start of second quarter today and I awoke and felt super excited to go to school which was extremely odd for any child since school sucks these days but as I rolled out of bed and checked my phone I saw Bryan had sent me a message, "Good morning fav *green heart*" he was so sweet and amazing, I replied to his cute text. "good morning *green heart* can't wait to walk with you!" Soon enough I was at school and only one class away from health, my stomach was getting nervous but I didn't think anything of it other than my anxiety so I let it go and rushed to class faster than ever when the bell rang. Today was yet another life altering day as our health teacher made an announcement to the class,
"Good morning guys," I smiled thinking of his good morning text, "you can pick your seats since you've been such a good class!" I looked over at Bryan who was gesturing me a spot next to him, I rushed over and sat down. We immediately got to talking when Andy and Wilson came to class and Bryan tried to tell them to sit somewhere else, I guess he wanted to sit with me alone, but both boys sat with us. I rolled my eyes as they made couple jokes and both Bryan and I denied we would ever be a couple, boy if only we knew. We flirted the entire class, playing footsie, writing on each other's papers, and just being as distracting as hell but it was the most fun I had in a while. *Ring* Sadly that was the bell, signaling class was over and that I had to leave Bryan's side so I started to get up when he tapped my shoulder,
"Um you're walking with me... remember?" We made the best eye contact and I stopped and froze for a second before answering his question.
"Yes of course, I'm sorry fav please forgive me!" I said in a teasing tone, we laughed softly and left class together. His next class was farther down the hall than mine was and he asked me to walk him all the way their so we could continue our conversation about god knows what, but whatever it was we were happy to be in each other's company. A lot of people had been picking up on our closeness and when I walked back to my class, my other friends, Nancy and Nova, hinted at the fact that I had been walking with this boy since I was typically shy and didn't really talk to guys at all.
"I saw you with Bryan," Nova winked,
"I saw her too," Nancy agreed with Nova and they both looked at me like they wanted details about what happened. Of course, them being some of my best friends I filled them in completely.
"Oh my gosh he totally likes you?" Nancy exclaimed.
"shhh Nancy, I don't want the class to hear but no he does not like m-" I was cut off by my phone *BUZZ BUZZ* I checked my phone and it was a text from Bryan. "Hey, I liked walking with you. Please wait for me after class, I'll walk to your class and we can walk to our next class together." I totally forgot Nova and Nancy were there and I smiled down at my phone.
"I BET THAT WAS BRYAN!" Nova shouted across the room, a couple people looked up and I made awkward eye contact with this girl called Olive, I always had a weird feeling about her I just wish I had caught on sooner.
"Nova! Quiet! You're making people stare!" My face turned red with embarrassment because I was never really 'good' at social situations. *Ring* That would be the bell and I was off to walk with my best friend, I decided to walk to his class because it just seemed easier but when I arrived I was shocked.

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