Good they're all in one place

I signaled Minori to close the door gently and when he did we all tip-toed to the living room. Telling then to stop I walked into the living room alone.

"What are you guys talking about?" Yuki was startled to hear my voice.

"Sayu what are you doing here?" Her voice cracked at the end which made me frown.

"Why were you crying?" She shook her head furiously.

"N-nothing." I looked at Miko and Hiro for an answer.

"She's feeling emotional." Miko didn't really answer my questions. I can see she's emotional but why?

"Because she wants to see Raiden." Hiro properly answered my question.

"Are all of you missing your partners or is it just Yuki?" They avoided my gaze. I chuckled. "Good or else this would have been for nothing." The three have never looked so confused.

"SURPRISE!" Everyone yelled even the two kids.

Once Yuki's gaze found Raiden she got up and ran towards him. The kids did the same with Miko.

Kaori and Minori stood there smiling at their lovers flabbergasted expressions. I couldn't help but laugh at them.

When the shock was over they hugged and kissed their lovers like it was years when they last saw each other.

I was about to walk to my room when I heard Miko's voice.

"Where are you going Sayu?"

"To a party." I smiled. The smile she had faded.


"Because the 8 of you need time to spend together, and Naruto invited me to a party so it all works out."

"You don't want to spend it with us?" Asked Yuki sadly letting go of Raiden.

"I just want you guys to spend it together is all. You know I love every single one of you. Why else would I force your lovers to come all the way from Tokyo just to celebrate a holiday." Hiro walked up to me.

"Thank you Sayu." He hugged me and everyone else followed.

"Your a good kid." Minori ruffled my hair when everyone finally let go of me.

"No! She's a great kid!" We all chuckled at Yuki's outburst.

"I'll leave you guys alone. I have to get ready, and no Yuki I can get ready myself." I said when I saw that Yuki was about to say something. She huffed and crossed her arms. We all laughed at her actions.

Its 6:50 and Naruto will come in another 10 minutes.

I was just finishing putting on my makeup.

I'm not a person that wears makeup, but Naruto did say this was a fancy party so why not?

I heard a cars horn outside. I rolled my eyes.

Of course he's early

I put my mascara down picked up my clutch bag and walked out the door.

When I walked down the stairs I heard gasps.

"You look beautiful Sayu!" Squealed Yuki. I smiled.

"Thank you Yuki." Hiro had a frown.

"Take this with you, always have your phone with you, call me if anything, call me once in a while ok." He turned to Naruto after he gave me a small bag. "And you. Protect my little Sayu got that. Don't lose sight of her, not even to use the restroom. Don't even blin-" Kaori stopped his ranting. Everyone else either laughed or sweat dropped.

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