Part II

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The boy stood on the short box which raised his height ever so slightly. A slow silence fell over the room and the piece of paper in his hand crumpled slightly. Everyone looked green-purple as the people in chairs furrowed their eyebrows slightly. Tyler's mother whispered questioning words to her husband, who sat on her left. The boy's mocha eyes left a glossed sugar layer, restricting his sight. Everyone had become blurry.

The two sat in tyler's room, staring into the mirror. Tyler looked deeply into his eyes, a wave of blue-black falling over him.
"Josh?" josh hummed in response, shifting his eyes to tyler's watching him closely through the mirror.

a slight stubble had grown across the young boy's face, adding texture to his usually smooth complexion. a light wash of purple sat beneath his gentle eyes. his cheeks remained slightly rosy, almost flustered.

"everything i love-i adore, it changes, it-it changes before me when i squint my eyes. It all turns blue-black, josh, all of it!" a light tear collected in his bottom lash and rested there, "have you ever done that josh? where you squint your eyes and your eyelashes make it look a little not right?" Josh just continued to stare into Tyler's eyes, unable to react to tyler's comments and questions. "and-and then you find you're not who you're supposed to be? This-" Josh cut him off, he moved to face tyler and stared into his eyes for a few moments before gently placing his C-major lips onto tyler's A-minor's.

The boy hadn't made a comment yet, as the doctor of Tyler's continued to stare him down, taking in every detail. his blue hair, soft pink lips, warm brown eyes, sunset skin, fucking enormous nose, sharp but smiling teeth, gentle hands. Josh managed to catch his eye as he stared him down, he was unable to help tyler-they both were.

"i-i am a friend of tyler's," a light gasp came in response "i don't suppose i know many of you, if any of you...Tyler was an-" josh began to talk without processing words, leaving sweet comments about his blue-black angel. Clear water drops dripped from his eyes, his soul escaping through the holes that are gaping.

Tyler's mother let out a small sob as her children and left-side husband attempted to comfort her.

"josh?" tyler looked up at josh from his position of having his head laid in josh's crossed legs. Josh nodded. "you won't ever leave me, will you? you'll always be here? i'll always be here josh, i'll never leave, promise." Josh smiled down at him and continued to run his fingers through his hair,


"-you lied that night tyler, as you laid in my lap, we promised, you promised," the tears began to stream down his face "i should never have left you on that final night, our memories, our love," josh was no longer talking to the audience before him, but to tyler "all left as grey-black on the ground. All you needed was some pink-orange, all you needed was me-i-my name is joshua dun and i-i love tyler." josh dropped the piece of paper and stepped off the podium before turning away and leaving tyler's life behind.

"what was that?!" tyler's mother gasped. her husband went to the podium and retrieved the piece of paper, empty.

Josh continued running, he ran to the forest, to his and Tyler's forest. The sway of clear-blue water moved in his hand, reaching and begging to come out.

There it was, the broken wood and burnt ashes on a single point of the forest.

Small red-ended sticks rested in his hand as he gently poured out the clear-blue liquid over the remains of what was once theirs.

"josh? I want to see a world of pink-orange josh, will you see it with me?"

"of course tyler, i wouldn't want it any other way."

He sat in the centre of his circle, the blue-black sky frowning onto him, threatening to spill its blue-black tears onto him.

he closed his eyes and flicked the match, dropping it into the floor around him.

the world became pink-orange as he finally rested with tyler.

Joshua Dun has been labelled missing in a forest fire on March 22nd after fleeing the place of the funeral of a close friend-tyler joseph who was lost in the last week, in a similar manor. neither of their bodies have been recovered therefore it is uncertain as to where the two may be, if they are dead or simply fled the fires in hopes to spare their lives. If you have any information please contact 0190-

the forest fic part II Where stories live. Discover now