Prologue: He was her safe place, and she was his home.

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She unlocked the front door, the weight on her shoulders making her drag her feet on the floor. The lights in the kitchen were on and she could hear the rattling of plates and pans, she could smell the aroma of his favorite meal to cook. Chicken Alfredo. He was standing with his back to her, facing the stove, busy mixing the ingredients around in the pot. She could see the muscles in his back tensing and relaxing as he moved. She cleared her throat. He turned around and smiled, his pearly white teeth on full display.

"You're home."

He began walking towards her. He noticed the sadness etched all over her flawless face, the tears welling up in her beautiful brown eyes.

"Tough day?"

She nodded and her lip began to quiver. He reached for her face and wiped away a stray tear before pulling her into his arms. Her whole body convulsed as she cried into his shoulder, her arms clasped tight around his neck.

He let go, turned off the stove and picked her up before carrying her into their bedroom. Tears were still streaming down her face in a steady stream, like a river after a storm. He bent down on one knee and took off her heals. He walked to the en-suite bathroom and started the shower. He returned to the room to find her staring out the window.

"What happened?"

She just stared at him and he knew that she wasn't ready to talk. He walked up to her and gently kissed her forehead. He began unbuttoning her silky peach blouse, once the blouse was discarded onto the hard wood floor he unzipped her skirt. He took her hand and lead her to the bathroom where he stripped himself of his clothes and her of her underwear before leading her into the shower.

He stood with his back to the shower, blocking the water from hitting her porcelain cheeks. He rinsed her hair and lathered it with her cherry scented shampoo. He took the sponge, covered it in body wash before rubbing it over her delicate body. She closed her eyes and focused on his hands trailing her body, the storm in her heart finally began to settle.

He rinsed her hair and body and turned off the shower. He wrapped a towel around his waist before wrapping her in a towel and using another towel to gently dry her hair.

"Are you hungry?"

She shook her head. He lead her back to the bedroom and she sat on the edge of the bed. He grabbed one of his sleep shirts and a pair of her silky panties and handed them to her, she discarded the towel and began to dress herself. He watched as she dressed herself. Admiring the beauty radiating out of her sad soul.

She slowly climbed into the bed, he followed her and wrapped his arms around her. She snuggled into his arms, he wrapped her arms around her fragile frame and kissed her temple.

He was her safe place, and she was his home.


Thank you for reading! will try to post as often as possible... and the cover is being designed as we speak :) 

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