Stars: Chapter 6

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The demigods bickering quickly stopped as the memory started. In caps it showed 5 months later at the top of the screen. It showed several clips of Brooklyn giving Thalia new clothes and a note on each pile. However it also showed Thalia ignoring the notes and usually throwing them away. Finally it started up again.

Thalia woke up, tired and groggily, but she couldn't sleep. She yawned, and shook her hair like a dog before getting out of bed. She looked disgusted at her nightgown, "I hate dresses." She muttered angrily, grabbing a fresh pair of clothes.

Then, she noticed a note. She remembered that it had fallen out of the bag, but she never thought to read it. It was probably just some stupid business card- but she still looked. The Memory zoomed in, the card was in Greek, and Latin. (I put it in English)

'Dear Thalia,
I have given you clothes and other necessary items you may need on your mission. Keep in mind that you are not to speak to the Di Angelo's- only stalk and keep tabs. You are like a Satyr, again, you shall only stalk them and keep tabs. Any interaction may lead to attachment. Finally, I have also boosted the Hades scums' ages. Bianca is now 14, and Nico is 12. This will change at the time they get out of the Casino- and they won't remember anything about skipping ages. You may need to explain somethings to Bianca, and there is a book for Nico. Please only interact with them at that cost- never tell your actual name, or any information. After all you are stalking and keeping tabs shortly after.By the way- before I forget- I have given them extra clothes and everything that is needed, remember my words.


She looked up at the ceiling hastily. "Seriously dad? New ages? They are going to freak." She muttered, still she sighed, and took her clothes to the bathroom. She had quickly changed, and did all she could for maximum effect on herself- and headed out.

Their Bianca was, wide eyed, and looking at herself. Her flat chest wasn't so flat, and she terrified. Thalia nodded, she was right, her lips pursed together. "You okay?" She asked, feeling a bit sorry for the girl. "U-uh. I- um. Help." She whispered, her voice high pitched and almost static. Thalia took a deep breath. "So what would you say if I told you my dad was a god. And he changed your guys ages to 2 years older, and was telling me to tell you everything about your new body?" Thalia asked, making the whole situation awkward.

"Well, I'd say your a young version of a sot." She told her, Thalia avoided Bianca's glance. "Well. I'm pretty sure I'm not a 'young sot' but I am a demigod. And so are you." She told her, Bianca gave her a weird look. "You are crazy." She stated, Thalia smiled softly.

"No I'm just. . . Creatively minded." Thalia told her. Bianca rolled her eyes, "What if I'm not crazy?" Thalia asked, Bianca looked at her again. "Then I would sit in that corner." She pointed to the farthest corner away from the bed. "And cry." She stated, "Better get crying kid." Thalia told her, Bianca's eyes widened. "May you repeat that?" Bianca asked her, "Well-" Bianca interrupted her. "You said I was a demigod. As in half god? T-then why don't they take Nico and I to them. . . If they do exist." She whispered, Thalia sighed.

"That's the thing with gods kid. They give you life, then leave you. Leave your mom- or dad. And then they eat food up on Olympus as we struggle to survive in the real world." Thalia said, her voice slightly angry and annoyed. "Is that why I've never heard of them existing?" She asked, Thalia was about to answer but Nico had woken up with a scream.

His voice was deeper, the high pitch quickly was less soprano sounding. He had shot up in height, well just enough that his shirt didn't go to his knees, just to his mid upper thigh. "What the he-" "Nico!" Bianca screamed at him, before he could use very. . . creative language. "M-my voice! I- tall- wha-" He took a deep breath. Attempting to calm down. Thalia then noticed the book at the side of his bed.

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