Chp. 9 (Edited)

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Hey y'all, sorry for the delay in updates. This is a short chapter but I'm happy to say, we're almost done with Little One! *Claps* Anyway, it was nice getting to know yalls opinions and I'm happy you guys liked this story. I'm looking forward to creating more and hopefully, I can write it in third person now. Stay lovely! Xx ~ MBear

4 Months later

Sunlight filtered through the curtains I had forgotten to pull over my bed. Sighing, I sat up and saw Hermione reading "Percy Jackson and The Lightning Thief" on her bed across from mine, Ginny still sleeping.

Smiling sleepily, I shook my head. "Still an early riser for books, huh?" I questioned as she put a bookmark in her place. She only smiled innocently before shaking Ginny awake.

As we all got dressed, we walked downstairs. Surprisingly, Kuma and Rachel were down there with the twins. Fred trying desperately to flirt with Rachel while she rolled her eyes and blushed.

"- most beautiful witch I've come to know. Please go on one date with me?" Fred asked Rachel. She shot me a relieved look as she ran to me.

"Please get him away from me, I can't take it." I only smirked towards her. "It seems you can. You're blushing. Give him one chance Rach. I've known him for as long as I've known Ron. He's a good guy. Mischievous, yes. Hard headed, yes. Smart, yes. Funny and romantic, yes. One chance Rachel." She seemed deep in thought from what I said before nodding.

"Okay, I will." With that, she turned to an upset Fred who had his head in between his hands. "Aye, Freddie boy. I'll give you one chance." At that, Fred jumped up and hugged her, kissing her cheek. "Thank you!"

*Skip Time*

"Mud-bloods." I turned around in the stool I was currently sitting in at The Three Broomsticks, chatting with Hermione. Glaring at the one person I didn't want to see ever again, I rolled my eyes.

"Fancy seeing you here, fuck boy." Draco only raised his eyebrow, confused on my muggle term. "Whatever. How are my kids?" I raised my eyebrows in disbelief.

"Your kids?" I looked to Hermione in shock. "Did he seriously just say his kids?" She only shrugged as I stood up and faced Draco.

"Listen here buddy and listen good. You left. These are my kids, not yours. So don't think that you can just come waltzing into my life again expecting to be a father figure for them cause you're not. Also, you're a complete git and-" I stopped mid-rant as I felt liquid drip down my legs.

"Woah, Elliana, you okay?" Hermione questioned as I bent over, clutching my stomach. "Water... Broke.." I rasped between breaths as I tried to breathe properly. Draco hurriedly picked me up bridal style and as much as I'll never admit it to him or anyone else, it felt nice being in his arms.

"Hold on Elliana, we're heading to St. Mungo's now." On cue, we all appeared in front of St. Mungo's where I was rushed inside and into a wheel chair. "Ugh! Draco fucking Lucius Malfoy, I'm going to fucking kill you!" I screamed as they wheeled me away, leaving Draco anxious.

*Skip Time*

"Its a girl and a boy. What will you name them?" The nurse, Cynthia, asked me as Draco and everyone else came in. Draco was on my right and everyone else on my left glaring at him.

I thought for a second before turning to Draco, surprising everyone even me. "What should we name the little guy?" I questioned tiredly as I held the first born who had specks of platinum blonde hair stuck to his head. Draco thought for a second.

"His first name can be... Louis. After your Father." I smiled as I nodded. "Perfect and his middle name can be... James after my dad's brother who adopted him." Draco nodded at this before saying "Louis James Malfoy. Perfect." I raised an eyebrow at the last name but ignored it.

I looked at my baby girl fast asleep in Ginny's arm, her blonde roots sticking to her head. "Narcissa Elene Malfoy." Draco smiled as I used his moms and cousins name. Both of them were adorable and chubby.

(Future: Them at I guess 2 months old)

Looking at their birth certificates, I smiled

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Looking at their birth certificates, I smiled.

Louis James Malfoy

DOB: May 16, 2001 11:11 (30 secs older)

Weight: 8 Ibs 7 oz

Hair: Platinum Blonde

Eyes: Blue

Parents: Draco Lucius Malfoy and Elliana Ranaé Martinez

I smiled before looking at Narcissa's Birth Certificate.

Name: Narcissa Elene Malfoy

DOB: May 16, 2001 11:11 (30 secs younger)

Weight: 7 Ibs 8 oz

Hair: Golden Blonde

Eyes: Gray

Parents: Draco Lucius Malfoy and Elliana Ranaé Martinez

I looked at Draco now holding a sleeping Louis and a small smile tugged at my lips as my eyes fluttered shut, feeling exhaustion seep into me. Before I fell asleep though, I swore I heard Draco whisper

"Don't worry, little ones. Daddy's gonna take care of you and mommy because I love her and you guys." With those words swimming around in my head, I fell into a dreamless sleep, happy something good was happening in my life.

Little One (Book 2 Of~One Series) *EDITED✓Where stories live. Discover now