I saw the look of love and hope on my father's face when he saw my mother.

"My Bella?!" He shouted with tears of joy.


"Papa?!" Gabby yelled excitedly. Tyen my dad turning around faster than expected for a man of his age for my sister.

The look on his face when he saw h8s daughter while holding h8s wife was worth all of this.

I saw my dad see him daughter for the first time and pick her up spinning her around as they all laughed and my mother constantly touching him as if this wasn't real.

Then the smile on his face as he saw me then a confused look when he saw me bound.

"Antonio? What-" He suddenly realized that I had betrayed the family.

He looked at my mother and she simply nodded putting her head down. I hadn't told her the plan but I had expected her to take up for me reguardless. But when she didn't, I saw his face fall in disappointment.

"I did it for us!" I screamed when he took them both into his arms without giving me a backwards glance. "I brought them home!"

Then the guards took me away.

Maybe I was wrong... Maybe I should've been more honest.


I made my way to my office opening the door and heading straight to the windows to open them.

I looked at the pool below and remembered how Ebony had been trying to seduce me. I'd almost ruined us then too. I had to get her back.

Dante entered my office with an especially gleeful look on his face.

"The location of the ring changed." Dante said smugly.


"All that's left is for you to call her mom to be sure."

I hugged Dante tightly then quickly jumped away embarrassed.

"Don't ever tell anyone about this." I muttered.

Dante laughed. "Wouldn't dare boss."

I made my way back to the basement.

This time when I felt Antonio's eyes on me I looked directly at him and he flinched.

"Tell me everything."

And he did.

I believed him. I saw the look of hope in his eyes that I'd believe him and I decided to give him another chance.

"Untie him." I saw the surprise flicker over his face. Antonio your free to go."

He hugged me, tears running freely down his cheeks.

"Thank you for believing me. I fucked up I know but I only wanted our family reunited again."

We all embraced each other and I got a little sad that soon I would give this all up- for her.


I woke up and immediately looked at my calendar on the wall. Friday, June 1st. Another day gone without Reko. Four months had passed. Not a word from anyone.

How foolish was I to think that Reko would come to me. He probably hated me and couldn't stand the sight of the ring.

I did my morning routine showering eating breakfast and calling my mom before I headed to school. It was my first day at my summer session.

It was nice and warm outside which made me think of maybe going to the beach for some me time.

"I've already had enough me time." I said to myself as I walked into the double doors of my classroom.

Not paying attention to my surroundings I bumped into a wall and went stumbling.

"I absolutely agree." A familiar voice said.

I looked up into the gray eyes I loved so much.


He steadied me and held his hand out to me. I stared at him like he was crazy before taking his hand and shaking it.

"I'm Darreko Carter and this is my first year here. Do you think you can show me around and help me find my classes?" He held his schedule out to me and I saw at the bottom he wanted to major in Criminal Justice I couldn't help laughing a little.

"Criminal Justice huh?"

"What can I say, I'm fascinated by the lives of criminals."

I laughed out loud. Hugging him and kissing him deeply in the hallway while people looked at us like we were crazy. I didn't care.
Reko was in my arms. In my life. And I could finally have the relationship I wanted and build my family with him.

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