A Little Tale of...Four - Chapter 1

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I had not expected waking up one morning to someone in my bed. Not just someone, but a baby! Where had he come from? Don't know. 

The boy was dressed in only his trousers. He shivered as i pulled the covers off him. I placed them back on slowly, and slowly got out of bed. I looked around for any changes. Sure enough, there were.

'Wait, four beds? I only have one.'

I walked over to the first one. A boy with blondish hair was laying there, his arms over his head. He also had big ears, which were adorable. 

"Was this all a dream?" I asked out loud. I heard a cry from the other room and hurried over to my bed. The little boy was awake and bawling his eyes out. Once he say me he stopped and a small smile formed on his lips. I lifted him off the bed and carried him to the kitchen. A piece of paper stuck to the fridge caught my attention. 

Marin, here are the four boys: Ringo, John, Paul and George. You have a day to be with them, and if you do real well, you may choose a longer time, but no more then two months. Enjoy your four little boys!


'Ringo, John Paul and George!" I gasped. But, why? How? 

I looked that the boy in my arms. He was resting his head on my shoulder and smiling up at me. I turned the note around, there were directions. Their bags were in the other room. 

"Good morning!"My friend danced into the room and sat down. She gapped at the kid in my arms.

"Who's that? Not baby sitting are we?"

"No...here read this." I handed her the note.

"Wow, the Beatles! No way!"


"Is this John? Aw he's so cute!" She exclaimed and ruffled his hair. John giggled and hid his face in my shoulder.

"Here, take him." I told her.

"Alright." She took John and cradled him in her arms.

"George is in the room if you wanna see him."

"He is? I do!"

"Put John down in the chair." I told her. She did and rushed to see George. 

"'Ood." John stood up in his seat.

"Sit down John, you'll get fed in a minute."  I grabbed something quick for him and he drank it, very slowly though. It was nice having my favourite Beatle to baby. I wiped him up and then put him down. He ran around making noises for about 5 minutes. After a while Lana entered rocking George in her arms. 

"Where are the other two?"

"Sleeping. No, i let Ringo down because he wanted to play. Um, Marin, what if they are messy?"

"Is George messy?"


"Then change him."

"I don't know how!" 

"It cant be that hard. John do you know how to change a baby?"

"Why are you asking him?" She exclaimed.

John just babbled gibberish at me and continued to make his weird noises while running around the table. I finally had enough and picked him up then placed him in the couch as he giggled.

"You mister will be checked." I pointed at him. He just smiled back at me. Just like a Lennon.

"Marin! I think i have it!" Lana yelled.


"Wha-oh. Sorry." She covered her mouth. 

"What did you get?"

"I got it off thats all. Now which way?" 

"Um, these, these tabs go this way. Then you pull like this..." I finished George off and he was given back to Lana. Then i went to John, who was no longer on the couch.

"John, where did you go?" I looked around.

John danced infront of the bedroom door.Hitting the wall as he spun around.

"Your crazy. Come ed." I told him and grabbed his hand.

"No. I don't need change."

"Fine, let me check you then."

"Im bout to be a big boy!" He giggled and rolled not he ground, stomach first.

I grabbed his back, pining him down on his stomach. 

"Okay, your free to go. Nothings wrong with you."

"Marin, come in here." Lana called from the other room.

"What is it?" I asked entering, with John quietly following me.

"Paul, isn't cooperating, and he keeps crying."

"You just have to hold him down."

"yeah, well i cant do that with only one person."

"Fine. Ill hold his legs while you do the rest."

"Cant you do it?"

"Fine." I sighed, didn't really care for doing this.

Lana smiled and held his legs. Once finished Paul wanted to be held.

"Wheres George?"

"Hes, playing with Ringo."

I turned around and saw the two playing. I smiled at Ringo and he looked up and smiled back. Suddenly a crash was heard from the other room and we rushed out to see what it was. 


John had his finger in his mouth and was giggling. Pans were all around him from the cabinet he had opened. 

"PIck them up." I instructed him.


"John, obey me!"

"No." He grinned.

I groaned and put Paul down then went for John, but he ran off and knocked Paul on the ground. He pinned Paul's arms down and stood over him.

"Caught you Paulie." He laughed.

Paul began to wine and cry so i pushed John off and got him off the floor.

"Alright now, John, go pick up the pans and then we can go out and do something."

"Alright!" John grinned and ran to the small kitchen.

"Say your sorry to Paul!" I yelled back. 

He yelled back that he was sorry and i went to put Paul in his bed. Which he happily fell asleep.

"Who's in charge of who again?" Lana asked.

"I don't care. Ill do Paul and John and you can do George and Ringo. Then we will have older kids and younger kids. "

"How'd you get stuck with this?" She sighed.

"Dunno." Marin shrugged and then their was a knock on the door.

"I get it!" John ran to the door.

I grabbed his arm quickly and told him to go in his room. Lana waited in their as i shut the door and went to answer the front door. Wonder who it was?

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