Clarke thrust her sword towards Lexa's stomach, only to be met with the other girls block. Clarke was tiring quickly, small bruises and cuts aching on top of her previously sore muscles. Her movements were sluggish as they continued to spar, and she knew she was showing weakness, but she whimpered slightly when the pommel of Lexa's sword hit her back.

The sounds of Lincoln and Octavia's fight had diminished, and she could feel their eyes on her back. She also felt another set, from the other direction, but didn't want to scan the trees in fear of being distracted. She resolved herself to win this battle. She knew she had to prove herself if she was ever going to be accepted into the Grounder's society.

She steeled her mind, her emotions, and her body and with renewed vigor, conducted a series of stabs and slashes. Though none made contact, Clarke had to fight a proud smirk when Lexa's weapon flew from her hand. However, her own weapon was quickly ripped from her as well, and she found the girl with bright green eyes to be the cause.

They back slightly away from each other, sinking into a lower stance, ready for hand to hand combat to decide the winner. Lexa slowed her strikes even more, knowing this style of fighting was not Clarke's strongest. She could tell the blonde was tired, her movements slowing even more.

Lexa thought she saw movement among the trees to their right and turned her head slightly to scan the forest. Using her momentary lapse in focus, Clarke pulled back her fist and slammed it into Lexa's cheek. The Commander stumbled back, palm rising to her face, Clarke expected to be met with anger, but saw pride flash in her eyes.

Lexa's fist connected with her stomach, and she grunted. There was no time for planning, Clarke realized, if she wanted this to be over, she had to win. And she had to do it quickly before she landed once again in the dirt.

She pulled together everything Lincoln and Octavia had taught her in the past few weeks on how to bring down an opponent who was stronger and more experienced than she was. Most of her attacks were met with blocks, but some managed to get through Lexa's defenses.

It was with one such attack, a kick to her stomach, that she capitalized on. She used Lexa's backward motion and her momentum from spinning to sweep the Commander's legs out from under her. Once her back hit the ground, Clarke was immediately on top her, straddling her waist and holding her writs to the ground.

Both girls were breathing heavily and Clarke panted, "I win," with a small smile on her face. Lexa entire face lit up with pride, "You did. Very good, Clarke." Clarke laughed then, finding the unexpected turn of events incredibly funny. She leaned foreword, releasing Lexa's wrists and placing her forehead on Lexa's shoulder as she giggled.

Lexa sat up, arms wrapping around Clarke's waist and chuckling at the blonde, "What is so funny, love?" Clarke lifted her head and met Lexa's gaze, a huge smile on her face, "I did it. I pinned you." Lexa smiled, nodding, "You did."

She tilted the blonde's head up so she could connect their lips in a sweet kiss. It was short lived however, as Octavia walked over to them laughing, "Alright, alright. That's not how training is supposed to end." Clarke just flipped her off behind her back and leaned in to kiss her girlfriend again.

They were interrupted again by a panicked cry, "Heda!" Lexa was on her feet in an instant, bringing Clarke with her and turning to find the source of the voice, "Indra. What is the matter?"

"There is a fight between warriors of Azgeda and Sankru. I ordered none of our warriors to step in because it is not our dispute." Lexa looked over at Clarke, "I must attend to this. Walk back with Octavia and Lincoln. I'll meet you in our room in an hour." Clarke nodded, though Lexa didn't see it as she had already turned and rushed off with Indra.

The three turned to gather all their supplies and clean the training grounds of any mess they had created. When Octavia and Lincoln turned to leave, they found Clarke with her dagger in her hand, going through various motions, she body flowing through the positions as her feet turned in the loose dirt and sand mixture of the area.

Octavia called out, "Clarke? Are you ready to go? Or do you want to train some more?" Without pausing she responded, "You guys can go, I just want to spend a little longer out here. I'll be okay getting back on my own."

Octavia turned to leave, but Lincoln asked again, the idea of not escorting the blonde back to Lexa's room not sitting well in his stomach. "Are you sure? Lexa said we should take you back."

Clarke shook her head, "I'll be fine, Lincoln. I'll only be a few more minutes." Reluctantly, he left her, tangling his fingers with Octavia's as they left.

Once they had been out of sight for several minutes, Clarke stopped her movements and turned towards the trees, seeing the sun starting to fall to their tops. Her eyes scanned the area, and she straightened her back, calmly exclaiming, "You can come out now."

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