13. Realizations

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"What the fuck" the realization hits me like a fucking truck "That piece of shit! I've known he was a asshole but I never thought he would stoop so low."

"Wait so Kelsie's ex is a lawyer?" Luke asks.

"Yes a slimy good for nothing lying ass Lawyer!" I answer she's still panicking and I'm spilling my feelings through my favorite words. I'm on a rant now and there is no stopping me until I get it out. Calum is sitting on the floor with Kelsie now. "He never liked me I know but that's just cold. Sam could have fucking killed me and now Ryan is going to help him get out of it. He keeps putting that psychopath back out on the street to get me." 

Kelsie breathes out, "Louis. That's how Ryan always knew Katie. Every fucking party that's how he FUCKING KNEW!  Fucking Sam has eyes everywhere and would tell him. Fuck." she curls into Calum crying. Fuck she's right that's creepy to know Sam has been watching me that closely it was one thing when it was just Ryan being jealous but to think Sam knows what I'm doing at all times scares the fuck out of me.

"Fuck them and fuck that we are not going to sit here and cry about them were going on with our day and we're going to go out tonight and have a good time and if Ryan's ass calls again I'm answering and I'm telling him he can take the phone and shove it up his ass!! We're also changing your number tomorrow!" That came out harsh I'm not fussing at her I'm just pissed. "Ok breathe Kelsie. Its fine we'll figure it out we always do I'm going to fix something to eat please don't worry." I finish more calmly than I feel. She nods, she's starting to calm down and she gets up to finish setting up the Xbox for the guys. Michael follows me to the kitchen.

"Wow what an ass." He says. "you need some help?"

"No but just hang out in here with me for a minute while I cool down." I walk over to the liquor cabinet and pull out the bottle of tequila. I poured a shot and turn to Michael and put my finger over my lips to motion for him to keep this a secret. Kelsie doesn't like it when I turn to alcohol every time I'm stressed. that's part of why me and Sam hit it off in the beginning we partied a lot together even though he took it farther than alcohol. I take my shot I just needed to calm my nerves.

"How come that Ryan guy hates you so much?" He asks.

I walk over to the freezer and get out a pizza to cook it's simple and my brain Is too frazzled to cook an actual meal.

"He's just jealous of anyone who takes her attention away from him and when they broke up it was my idea for us to leave Kentucky." I turn on the oven, put the pizza in, and set the timer. I walk over to the counter and hop up to sit on it.

"Could you go in there and see if Kelsie is still crying. Ask them if anyone needs anything so the don't think I just sent you in there."

He walks back into the living room, I pour myself another shot and throw it back quickly I hear him ask if anyone needs a drink or anything I also hear the Xbox going so I know the guys are fine. Michael comes back in.

"She's not crying. She's sitting on one side of the couch with Calum." He steps closer to me. "Are you ok?" He asks.

"I'm just worried. I don't know what they're planning."

"You need to be careful. You guys need a body guard or something. I'm going to see if someone from our team can watch over you. Fuck! Now I know how Louis feels, I want to make sure you're safe but I can't always be here!"

"We don't need body guards," I laugh, "that's what Brad is for."

"Fuck Katie, Brad can't always be here either he has all of New York to look after."

"I'll be fine! Wait, what do you mean you know how Louis feels?"

"He says he worries about you all when he's touring he really did ask us to take care of you all while we're here."

He comes to stand between my legs now, wow this trip to the kitchen has escalated quickly my shot of tequila has given me just enough confidence that I'm not nervous.

"Please consider letting me find someone to watch out for you?"

He leans in but before it goes any further there are foot steps in the kitchen and someone clears their throat. I start to laugh and Michael steps away to see Ashton standing by the island.

"What's going on in here guys?" he laughs.

"Fuck Ashton!" Michael says to his friend.

I jump down off the counter still laughing and go to check on Kelsie.

I head over to the side of the couch she's sitting on and sit down in the floor we have a sunken living room area so even though I'm sitting on the floor I'm behind the couch and above her. Calum and Luke are in the middle of a heated game of FiFa on the Xbox.

"You good now?" I ask her.

"Yea I'm fine" she says "I'm still upset but mostly pissed off at this point"

I don't want to bring it up anymore so I just tell her I'm making a pizza. Michael and Ashton come back out of the kitchen a few minutes later laughing and carrying beers for everyone. They go to sit in the couch pit and join the game. I go back in the kitchen when I hear the oven beep and bring out the pizza. They put their game on hold long enough to eat and then they're back at it. I sit down on the other side of Kelsie so we can discuss what we're going to wear tonight Michael gives me a look from the other side of the couch and I give him a wink and return to my conversation with Kelsie.

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