26. Lying bastard

Start from the beginning

"You're just like David said you are. A selfish lying bastard who only does things for his own gain,"

"And I'm just a name on your list,"

"Aren't I?"

Silence fell between us just as I've uttered those last words, both breathing fast and hard as we stared at each other, his green eyes switching between my own for a few moments as he looked at me with a deeply pained expression.
And before I could even realize what just happened I suddenly found myself lying on the floor all alone, with nothing but the memory of his body on top of my own and that look in his eyes.



My head hurt. My muscles were sore as hell. Everything hurt. And I was feeling worse than ever.

He was right. I did suffer so much more without him. I'd spent all night in bed after he left, tossing and turning, squirming and crying as that pain in my lower abdomen intensified and my temperature increased to the point where I couldn't even stand the touch of fabric covering my skin. So I laid there bare as the day I was born for the whole night, sweating like a sinner in church as I fought with the wretched heat until I could no more.

I even tried relieving myself a few times but it didn't work.

Every time I touched myself all I could think about was how his touch felt way better and how his body warmth soothed me and his amazing scent, my delirious mind conjuring up so many graphic and detailed scenes where he would violently take me in different positions, making me ache for him so much until I finally collapsed from exhaustion, falling into a deep and dreamless slumber.

So when my alarm went off I barely managed to open my eyes, my head starting to pound with a vengeance and my body reverting back to that tortured state, making it so hard for me to focus on the simplest tasks.
I was basically a zombie for the entire morning, barely functioning as I prepared myself for school and went straight to the car since food was out of the question, the simple thought of it immediately making me nauseous.

"Can I dr-whoah, dude, what's the matter with you?" Dre asked as soon as she took a better look at my face, expressing evident concern.

"Nothing, it's fine I'm just a little bit tired, that's all," I quickly answered with a dismissive wave and made my way to the front passenger door, getting inside the car as she hurried and did the same.

"Are you sure? 'Cause-"

"Yes, I'm sure, Dre. Now drive," I swiftly cut her off with a biting tone, throwing her a pointed look as I put my seatbelt on.

"Wow. Okay! Jesus," She rolled her eyes with annoyance and turned back towards the steering wheel, thankfully let it go as she chose not to say anything more during our drive to school.
And the moment she finally parked I jumped out of the car as if it were on fire as I was practically dying for a breath of fresh and cool air, my skin burning and my head still pounding as I took a few moments to gather whatever ounce of strength left in me and prepare to power through this shitty day.

At least until I can go back home.

I was really fucking miserable.

And that was all because of him.

My gaze shifted to the left side of the parking lot perfectly in sync with that last thought, just in time to see none other than Satan himself getting out of his black sleek SUV.

I thickly swallowed, forcefully tearing my gaze away before he could notice me too, willing myself to just ignore his existence altogether as I shifted my attention back to our car, surprised to notice that my stupid sister had actually disappeared.


"Hey Care,"

I startled in my spot, quickly turning around towards the source of that male voice, noticing David standing just a few steps away.

"Oh crap, I'm so sorry, I-" He tried to approach me as soon as he noticed that distraught look on my face, intending to reach out and touch my arm when he abruptly stopped and took a generous inhale, his eyes switching to that frightening black in the blink of an eye.

"Whoah, holy shit," I instinctually took a step back and pressed myself against the side of my car, feeling a little scared as I watched him take slow and menacing steps towards me, looking at me as if I were a tasty meal as he said with a pained and grungy voice,

"Care, you shouldn't have come to school today,"

What the fuck?

"W-why not?" I stuttered out, eyes wide and knees already trembling as he approached until he was standing right in front of me, effectively managing to scare the living shit out of me as he placed one shaky hand on my arm, firmly wrapping his fingers around it and squeezing it until it kinda started to hurt.

What the hell was going on?

"C...Oh my goddess, this is too much," He rasped after a hitched breath, feeling his hot breath fan on my face as it gradually became a little more laboured, moving to rest his palms against the car, either side of my shoulders as he held me trapped in between his arms, with no means of escape.

"D-David, w-what are you doing?" I whimpered, scared to even try and push him away as I had yet to understand what was going on with him and why he was acting like this.

"I'm so sorry, Care, but I won't be able to be anywhere near you today," He leaned closer and whispered in my ear with a weak and pained voice before pulling back to press a soft kiss on my forehead, that small action however managing to bring back a piece of that same sense of comfort I always felt around him.

"Why not?" I raised my gaze to look back into his molten chocolate eyes, noticing that dejected expression painting his features as he peered down at me.

"Because I might hurt you,"

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