What Did I Do;Beautiful Disaster (12)

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I smile to my self when I look up and see Harry. "I have to go, but I'll talk to you later," I say.

Josh lightly smiles at me, "I'll see you later."

I smile as I walk away from him. Josh always took up for me when people were rude to me, especially his brother. He's like a younger version of Matt.

I walk over to where Matt and Harry are laughing, Madison is sitting next to Matt holding on to his arm. "Hey kid," Matt says.

I give him a tired smile, my knee is killing me. I hope I can do this. Madison looks disgusted. "Hi Jess," Harry says.

Before I can say anything Matt starts "Where's mom?" I shrug my shoulders.

"I gotta go," I say.

"Be careful," Matt says.

I nod at him and give Harry a small smile.

When I put my bag down Amanda rolls her eyes. I just ignore her and pull off my sweatpants. While I'm fixing my brace my phone dings. It was Harry. I don't see what it says before Amanda starts staring at it. I hope it wasn't something sweet. "That's none of your business," I say picking up my phone.

She rolls her eyes. Why does everybody roll their eyes at me? "When you did you start hiding your phone from me? I'm your best friend," she says.

Is she serious? "I thought you were my best friend," I say quitetly.

"What did I do to you Jess?" she asks.

I really want to shoot her in the foot right now. "Are you serious? You are honestly going to stand there and act like you never said anything about Harry and me?"

She stands there a blank look on her face. "I'm sorry," is all she says.

"Sorry isn't going to fix it this time," I say before walking away.


After the game I sat behind the bleachers by myself. I had my ear buds in trying to think. My knee was killing me. I fell twice, but on the bright side - wait there is no bright side. I opened the message Harry sent me earlier and it said


Be safe love.

I couldn't fight the blush creeping onto my cheeks. I don't know I felt weird. Is it Jacob? I don't know, I don't even want to know. I was so glad I put my sweat pants back on, this wind is freaking crazy. I lean my head back against the metal poles. I close my eyes, and think. It's not a good thing when I think because I make myself crazy. Well crazier then I already am.

Someone taps my shoulder and I smile when I see Harry. I take one of my ear buds out. "You alright?" he asks sitting next to me.

"Yeah, my leg is just sore," I say laying my head on his shoulder.

He kisses my temple "I'm sorry angel."

We sat there in silence. "Where's Matt?" I ask.

"He had something he had to do, so he asked me to take you home," he says putting his arm around my back.

"Oh," was all I really could say. I was tired  not the I want to sleep tired, just tired.

It was quiet again. Then my favorite song started playing in my head phones. "Listen, listen!" I say putting the ear bud I took out in his ear. "What?" he laughs.

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