Before Earth

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(18 years ago)

Queen Crystal of the lone island of life anand spirit lay tired and happy with her two wonderful babies, on her left lay her eeldest a boy with white side hair andoceean blue eyes and a girl with white smooth hair an silver eyes on her right.

King Adam, husband and newly father arostood by his wife's side admiring his
two children proud and joyful until he
suddenly noticed his daughters eyes, fearfully he shouted for the eldest nurse to come and check if his only daughter be blind.

The elderly woman named Lilly took the baby from the queen and placed her hand over the child's eyes then spoke in a language no one understood. The child began to cry as the woman removed her hand and with a look of shock spoke to the king and queen "My dears your child holds great power inside her, she is not blind but can see better than any on this island all together." The queen looked scared and held her only son close to her chest as if fear of her daughter hurting him. "What does this mean? Is my daughter some kind of monster?" The queen cried. The king then spoke with anger "Kill it! She shall not be allowed to live". He stood with his sword drawn. "No!" shouted to woman cradling the small girl closely " she shall live, she shall grow up in a world of non existence of the powers and life we have, Earth is where she shall live but beware when your son turns 17 he will seek her out wanting to know who she is and you cannot stop him as they are linked together for eternity an will meet on the night of their 18th birthday". The woman spoke with ice then vanished leaving the king and queen to look at their so. In fear of the future.

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