Jake barely glanced at him as he placed his hand on the locker next to my ear. "Here, let me carry those books for you." he said, reaching for the thing in my hand. I tightened my arms around them, gulped, and glanced at Josh, begging him for help.

Josh ground his teeth together, stepping up to Jake. "Jake, leave her alone." He said through clenched teeth. The hallway seemed to fall silent instantly. I glanced around, finding people staring at us, staring at the boys, waiting for something to happen.

For a fight to happen.

It was inevitable, but I knew Jake was just taunting him. "Fight! Fight! Fight!" someone started from the crowd, and soon everyone was chanting it.

Jake smirked as Josh glanced around uneasily, coming to the same conclusion that I was. "What're gonna do about it?"

Josh's eyes immediately locked with his and he clenched his jaw again. "Leave her alone." He repeated, clenching his fists by his side.

Jake straightened, sliding his hand down from the lockers and brushing my arm. Mechanically, I recoiled from him. His eyes connected with mine, and then returned to Josh. "Make me." he said calmly.

I lashed out for Josh's hand to calm him, so he wouldn't throw the first punch, but Jake was already stumbling back into the crowd. "Ooohhh!" the students said in unison as Jake was pushed back into the circle they had made around us. I glanced back at Josh, dumbstruck, to find him biting his lip, his eyes full of regret as he glanced at me.

Surprise filled Jake's face as he rubbed his cheek, pulling his hand back to check for blood. He ground his teeth together, glaring at Josh, his eyes blazing and his fists clenching at his sides. He ran up to Josh and threw his fist, but found nothing but air. Josh had dodged, sliding to the right with his arms crossed over his chest and a smirk plastered on his face.

Jake ground his teeth again, glancing around at people scoffing and laughing at him. His face turned red. From embarrassment or anger, I wasn't sure. He tried again, but Josh ducked to the ground and swung his leg under Jake's, making him crash to the floor with an Uf! Bursts of laughter filled the hall and Jake tried to kick at Josh, but he caught his foot. Jake lashed out with the other, catching Josh's knee with his heel.

He let out a breath and stepped back, releasing Jake's foot. As he jumped up, I could see a bruise forming on his cheek. Good. Now he knows how I feel. But he wore a content smirk on his face, believing he was coming back.

Suddenly, the books were knocked from my hands, falling to the ground. I gasped and glanced up to find Destiny smiling down at me with an evil look in her eyes. She grabbed my hair, making me wince and gasp involuntarily. I tried pulling it back, but the back of her hand slapped my cheek. I stumbled backwards as she released my hair. I felt hands grabbing my back as I fell into someone. I gasped, spun around, and found myself staring into the hazel eyes of a student on the edge of the circle. I didn't bother glancing back to see what was waiting for me; I pushed through the crowds of the spectators, dashing down the hallway. I thought I heard someone calling after me, but I pushed it out of my head.

Thankfully, there were other people in the classroom when I entered. I pulled my bangs behind my ear and ducked my head as I made my way towards my seat in the back. When I reached down for my bag, I realized I had left it where Destiny had pushed it out of my hands. I sighed and bit my lip as I glanced around the room.

Josh entered the room not long after that, carrying my stuff under his arm. He sat down with a deep sigh and slid the things on my desk. He ran a hand through his hair and momentarily closed his eyes. "Sorry 'bout that," he said, shaking his head the slightest. "I couldn't help myself. I can't stand the thought of him touching you like that."

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