Chapter 6

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Have you actually thought if you step into your teenage I'm-the-cool-kid-who-partays-all-the-fucking-time how your life might change? Well, like hell you would have thought about it and planned everything for instance: "I'll consume alcohol!" "I'll drive mercilessly!" "I'll bunk classes and try different flavor smoking!" "I'll have a partner to make out with!" "Yaaaaay!"

And when you get the reality check? Well, Absolutely fucking not.

Why not? Because you're a coward? You've never done these things? And yes, you're a Bengali with a freaking Bengali society and freaking Bengali parents. Life is so colorful you know? Sureee.

The risk. The charming magnificent risk of getting caught sends shiver down your spine, because if you, by any chance get caught doing any of these 'holy' activities, then you'll not only be grounded but also imprinted with the bullshit headed guy/girl in your entire family.

Your family will be ashamed of you, your nerdy friends will be ashamed of you, your relatives will be ashamed of you, your freaking society will be ashamed of you, your maid, watchman, driver, pets literally everyone will be ashamed of you. Your parents will make sure to make everyone ashamed of you so that you're guilty and that you'll never repeat your mistakes again.

Calling them mistake would be a mistake because to your parents they are sin. 'A' graded sins. Maybe because it takes them a little longer to understand that you're newly and freshly teenaged and that you'll do stuffs that seems fun to you.

So whenever you get caught for doing anything wrong or vulgar for instance, bunking classes for the first time or taking your partner on a date, you would know your dooms day is nearing.

It basically depends on the type of parents you have. Now if your parents are a cool pair they'll not create any scene anywhere or probably advise you secretly how to carry on a date. After you go home they'll go all psychological on you and warn you by giving 'The Talk'. Like the obedient child you'll agree to all their conditions because you wouldn't want to risk being grounded.

Now there's this another pair of parents. The king kong ones. Not only they'll humiliate you infront of public/teachers/girlfriend/boyfriend but also they'll drag you by your ears, giving menacing glares and screaming or complaining all the way till you get home. So when you get home, everyone, literally everyone is dissapointed. You wouldn't dare to speak anything in your defence otherwise it might result as a hit on your head or a sandal being thrown to your face. Your parents will complain about how ashamed they are of you, how more than enough freedom you've been given, how you should be kept in control and what not. You'll be grounded for sure and till you're grounded, your parents will be observing you like hawks the entire time. Talk about creepiness.

The thing is, you're lucky if you have the pair of cool parents because they understand you. You're plain unlucky if the over protective strict parents who hover over everything you do. All in all, parents play a good damn role in your life whether you're young or a growing teen.

So that's probably going to be the last chapter. I am honestly glad about writing something different & being able to present it on wattpad. Thank you everyone who gave a try reading this story & voting/commenting in it. Love you all! xxx

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