Chapter Thirteen - "Next Contestant"

Start from the beginning

               “Hand who over?”  I acted innocent, buying Immi more time.

               “The angel.”  Two of them hissed at the same time.  These were definitely dimension shifters.  I couldn't take them on by myself...

               “I think you just missed her.”  I smiled at them before launching myself at the figure who'd spoken first, hoping I'd picked the right person.  Thankfully, I had. I hadn't gone straight through him.

               Without taking a moment to think, I swung my fist at him.  I couldn't get my wings out.  They'd be too much of a risk, a liability.  I'd only need them if I was to get away or to hit them.  But this guy was gonna play dirty.  They all did, but dimension shifters were the worst.  I wasn't about to have my wings torn off.  As much as I was liking Immi, and the rest of these angels were alright, if I had to get my wings back I'd go and hunt some angels down.  It was who I was.  These wings were extremely helpful.

               Somehow, amongst all the fist flying we were doing, he must've altered the room to make another copy of him because I was pinned against the bars with two of them glaring at me.  Both having a bloody nose and some marks around their faces.

               Growling at me, he swung a fist into my stomach.  Looking at his body, I could see he'd turned his fists and legs into iron.  Even if I was stronger than the average human, this dimension-shifter had a lot of power and iron fists would definitely hurt.  Hell, I was hurting now!

               Just as he was about to plant me in the face, he stopped.  His giant, iron fist was inches away when he stopped.  His eyes glazed over before his fist retracted and the iron slowly disappeared and pale white skin replaced it.

               Frowning at him, he smirked.  His body became thinner and taller.  Long, greasy, grey hair grew and replaced the short, orange strands.  His once murky, brown eyes flashed and turned completely red.  There was no way to tell where the iris was.  And he smelt disgusting, like a McDonald's bin.  Looking at his real appearance, I could see why Ipos picked him.  He was definitely something you wouldn't want to go near.

               “Seems my work here is done.  You should go see your little girlfriend and her band.”  He smiled before disappearing.  Fearing the worst, I sprinted out of the basement.  There were a few beheaded bodies, none being anyone I knew.  More of Ipos' men.  I could smell angel blood, but there wasn't enough of it for them to collect.  I couldn't sense anyone so I ran out of the house.

               Having no clue to where to go, I looked for the gold string.  Seeing it weaving out of the trees, I wondered where she'd gone.  Knowing this was my only chance to find her, I followed it.

               I eventually came to a clearing where I could see the angels, Gustav and Saria. Marcus was no-where in sight.  I could feel Immi here.  I couldn't the gold thread, it stopped at the tree lining.  Stepping up to where my team were standing, I looked at Gustav who was shaking his head.

               “Where is she?”  I demanded.

               “Somewhere around here.  We think she may be hidden.  She doesn't know how to use her abilities!”  Gustav sounded worried.  I didn't get why.  He must've noticed this because he went on to explain.  “She can drain herself... injure herself or even kill someone.  Way back in the olden days, there were a few angels who'd been left loose who couldn't control themselves.  They killed an entire town in a matter of hours.  They didn't mean to.”

               Wow.  Angels actually killing people they didn't need to?  I hadn't heard of it, nor had I heard of this case before.

               “Did their father let them back in?”  I was talking about the “almighty” God.  All angels referred to them as their father.  They didn't have a “mother”.  It was odd.

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