thirty-two ; the greenlight

Start from the beginning

            As for "spending time" with Harry, I would say it's okay. Though, there is the fact that he lives with those horrid muggles. So, it couldn't be a very long visit, now, could it?

            Wishing you both love and safety,


            From beside Darcy, Gemma had scoffed.

            "'Harry Potter, Disturbed and Dangerous'?" Gemma darkly laughed, her hands holing out the paper.

            There, in black and white print, was an article. Darcy quickly skimmed through it.

            "'He might be pretending...for attention'..." Darcy read aloud. "Seek out vicious creatures as werewolves!" her words were shrill and angry, her hands slamming the paper down.

            "Today, of all days!" said Darcy, glaring holes over at a snickering Malfoy. He noticed her furious reaction.

            Gemma shrugged. "No one wants to get to know a half-giant, Darcy," she said simply. "They always assume that they're evil!"

            "It's not right," muttered Darcy. She stood up from her spot in the Slytherin table that morning and excused herself. Her feet were quick to the side of Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

            "You see what Skeeter wrote—?" Ron started, but Hermione was already leaving the table.

            A little surprised (and hurt, since there was no "Good Morning"), Darcy glanced over at the two.

            "Oi!" Ron called after her. "We've got our History of Magic exam in ten minutes! Blimey," he said, turning back to Harry, "she must really hate that Skeeter woman to risk missing the start of an exam. What're you going to do in Binns's class — read again?"

            Exempt from the end-of-term tests as a Triwizard champion, Harry had been sitting in the back of every exam class so far, looking up fresh hexes for the third task.

"S'pose so," Harry said to Ron; but just then, Professor McGonagall came walking alongside the Gryffindor table toward him.

"Potter, the champions are congregating in the chamber off the Hall after breakfast," she said.

"But the task's not till tonight!" said Harry, accidentally spilling scrambled eggs down his front, afraid he had mistaken the time.

"I'm aware of that, Potter," she said. "The champions' families are invited to watch the final task, you know. This is simply a chance for you to greet them."

She moved away. Harry gaped after her.

"She doesn't expect the Dursleys to turn up, does she?" he asked Ron blankly.

"Dunno," said Ron. "Harry, I'd better hurry, I'm going to be late for Binns. See you later."

Darcy quickly took the moment into her hands and grabbed Harry's sleeve.

"I've asked Snuffles if it was okay for me to drop by your house someday during the summer," she said hastily. Her time was running out, since her Charms exam was the first. "And I know I probably won't stay there long, but—"

"Darcy!" shrilled McGonagall so loud that heads turned. "Haven't you got to go to Charms! It's exams!"

Darcy cringed, realizing now that there were people staring at them. Cedric and Jani had even paused their depth conversation—along with Fleur and Phille Fleamont and Krum.

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