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Hey, I am back again, I don't seem to be getting any better. My confidence has gone downhill, my insecurities are increasing. I don't seem to even be able to ask my own parents for something, I'm just scared, I don't know what to do anymore. I hate who I am, I want to fit in but I can't, people just seem to dislike me a lot.

I'm not perfect and never will be. What even is perfect? Who is the definition of perfect? I don't understand. I feel pathetic, useless, worthless, ugly, used, betrayed. Who am I? Society seems to think perfect is being skinny, having the perfect body, being curvey, having a big a** and breasts. I don't think so. Beauty lies behind what you are, not the mask you use to hide your true self.

People need to be themselves, without people being themselves the world would be full of fake peopel, who don't understand, and constantly feel pain, not phycial, but mental. Mental pain is something that no one should experience, but a lot of people do due to not wearing branded clothing, being different, being yourself, not being like the others. Be unique, be who you are not who others want you to be.
So if you are contemplating suicide, put the gun down, put away the pills, put away the rope and put the chair away. Drop the pen, make things right, fight back show you are strong. Show that you are a fighter, show your strengths not your weaknesses, learn from mistakes.

If you are contemplating self harm, don't it's not worth the physical pain, isn't mental pain enough? Just don't show the others you can make it out, battle your way through this sick society, make your friends and family proud of you. Not the you others want you to be. The you, that you are, the one that was brought into this world. Inspire younger people. Show them that things get better, and don't let society win. Fight back.

Together as a community, and society help us reduce suicide and self harm, it's not nice and not fair. Life is full of tests, this is one, make sure you don't let it win, win for yourself, fight for your life. Be free, be happy, be strong and lastly be YOU!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2016 ⏰

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