Chapter 2

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Chapter 2
Eventually, he had to leave the hospital. His mom came and helped him walk out. He walked slowly and leaned on his mother most of the time. He still couldn't talk.

He went straight to his room when he got home. Everything reminded him of Victor. Usually he would go down to the skating rink to clear his head. But even the thought of Ice skating brought a new wave of fresh hot tears. He just buried his face in his pillow and tried not to cry.

There was a scratching sound at the door. Yuuri pushed himself off the bed and walked over to it, slowly opening the door. As soon as the door was opened he was knocked over by a mass of fur. Makkachin started licking his face, excited to see him after a week of neither Victor nor Yuuri being there. Eventually, Makkachin calmed down enough for Yuuri to get out from underneath of him. He stood up and ruffled the fir on his head. At least he had Makkachin. Yuuri got back into the bed and Makkachin jumped on after.

It was about sixmonths later. Yuuri still hadn't fully recovered from the death of Victor. He didn't go anywhere near the skating rink, and he stopped eating pork cutlet bowls as much. Those two things reminded him too strongly of Victor, and he couldn't handle it. And then Makkachin. They had been running in the morning like they usually did, when, for some reason, Makkachin ran off. Maybe he smelled food. But one thing was for sure, the driver didn't stop in time.

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