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I woke the next morning the memories from last night flooded back. I'll get my kiss someday and I wont feel this dread that I was basically a brat that ran off throwing a temper tantrum last night. I got myself ready early so that I had time to get clothes for Ash and bring them down to him. I picked out a plain white T and dark blue jeans along with some socks. I made my way down to the cabin thinking about how he would act after the almost kiss. I was greeted at the door and he seemed sort of normal but a little cold to me. "Hey" He said in a monotone voice with no smile like he usually had. I nodded at him. Maybe I was overreacting it was 6 in the morning not like anyone would be happy to be awake at this time. Maybe, like me, he didn't get any sleep last night. I gave him the clothes and sat down on the couch flicking on the tv. I waited for him to get dressed and we still had time to ourselves so he also sat down on the couch, at the complete opposite of me, with his arms crossed. I sighed and asked "Is there something wrong?" a little annoyed after he called me his GIRLFRIEND yesterday! What did I do anyway he is the one who pulled me back. "No" he sort of grunted back. I made eye contact with him and he sort of gave me a smile that was a good sign. When we got to school we did not hold hands and we did not talk. I just accepted that today would be long an I would talk to him about it when we got back to the cabin. I shrugged it off for the time being. In first block at the library I left him at the table and went to look for a book. I pulled a particular one that I had ready quite a few times. I flipped to one of my favorite parts and just stood there reading know I probably wont actually check the book out. When I glanced through the hole where the book had been I tried to see Ash back at the table but I couldn't there was something blocking it, a person. I looked back down at my book hoping they didn't notice but just my luck they did. "Last time I checked you start books from the beginning not the middle." the stranger said flashing a charming smile. I laughed quietly to myself and went back to myself. Next thing I knew he was walking down the isle and met me in the middle. He looked over and smiled at me. "I'm Theo." He held his hand out and I cautiously shook it "Hey, I'm Eve. Are you new? I don't think I've seen you around." I was surprised at myself for saying this I usually am not so brave to meet new people like this. I glanced over and saw Ash squinting to see Theo and I through the bookshelf. I was sort of glad I had felt like he used me and I wanted him to know what that felt like but I wasn't that person and I didn't want to make him angry or feel down. If he truly felt the way he acted this morning, so cold and a push off than he shouldn't care at all. "I'm new. You know I could use someone to show me around." He said obviously in hopes I would volunteer "I would love to but I can't I have another new student that I show around but hey, I'll see you around." I smiled and looked down before walking back to my seat. I honestly did hope to see him around. I sat down and got a glare from across the table "What?" I sort of exclaimed at Ash. He shook his head at me and smirked "I don't think you should be talking to him I have a bad feeling about that guy." He said. I rolled my eyes obviously annoyed "Why because he is good looking and actually wanted to talk to me." I spat emphasizing on wanted. His smirk imediatley went away and he cleared his throat leaning close over the table getting my attention. "I'm sorry about brushing you off this morning I was just frustrated with how last night went. I wanted to kiss you so bad I just couldn't I was too afraid. I promise I care about you don't do this I haven't known you long but I don't want to lose this." He said. I sighed and knew he meant it. After all we were meant to be together by fate I shouldn't just be giving up, he was made for me and we had a bond over everything that had happened. It was all surreal and so supernatural I couldn't forget it and I couldn't forget him. Flirting with other guys wasn't going to help I should make sure that I am just friends with Theo. He was so nice and sweet I'm sure he would understand. Maybe he didn't even want me in a romantic way I was just exaggerating that part but I should make it clear anyway. He could probably use a friend anyway since he is new here. With those looks he doesn't need help making them. "I know you care I was just a little pissy because you said I was your girlfriend but have yet to act on it." I said a little embarrassed it had all flowed out. I shook it off because I knew I had to say it and let it out sooner or later. "How about a date? lets go to the tree and have a picnic." He said. I smiled "That's a good idea I would like that very much If you don't mind canned soup and popcorn." I laughed. It sounded like a not very good date but it was more the fact that we would be spending time together in a place meaningful for both of us.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2016 ⏰

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