Chapter 1

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Khushi has started narrating her story to Athamma (Buaji in telugu). She told her about her parents death, adoption by guptas, meeting Arnav, hate marriage and subsequent second marriage.


Khushi is 5 months Pregnant, Payal just announced that she is 1 month pregnant. Everyone is Shantivan think that good days are ahead of them. Anjali has moved on from Shyam and is dating none other than Mr Aman Mathur secretly. Everyone in Shantivan seem not to notice the increase of Mr. Mathur's visits, except Khushi. But she is kept quiet, because she doesn't want to stress Arnav with that information when love was blooming between Ms. Raizada and Mr. Mathur nor it was her place to tell Arnav that information.

Arnav and Khushi's life wouldn't be any perfect than it already is. Arnav is take caring of every pregnancy craving that Khushi had.

Khushi:- Arnav (ya Khushi calls Arnav without the ji now), I want to have Gol Gappe now.

Arnav:- WHAT THE! Khushi do you know what time is it now?? Sleep

Khushi:- Hey Devi Maiyaa, Why did you give me a lard governor has husband. (talking to her stomach), Look beta, your papa doesn't love us. He can't give us mere Gol Gappe, when you come out we both will not talk to him. You are in my team.

Arnav:- Beta nahi beti hai meri andar aur o meri team main rahegi. (Not son, it is going to be a daughter and my daughter will be in my team).

Khushi:- (Pouting her lips cutely and whining like a little kid), I WANT GOL GAPPE NOW.

Arnav kissed her pout and her cheeks and put a plate with Gol Gappe in her hands. Khushi gave her famous 'O'.

Khushi:- Where did you get them from, do you have a magic wand?

Arnav:- No, I felt like you would ask them today, so I got in advance but u were busy in some havan Di is conducting.

Khushi smiled and hugged Arnav, after a few kisses that Arnav gave to Khushi, Khushi was in the mood for Arnav's Magic Wand that was poking thru his pants.

Next day. Everyone in Shantivan was surprised by the new Arrival standing by the door. It was none other than Mrs Subhadra Mallik, Arnav's Dadi.

Dadi:- I have come back from Ashram after I learnt that I am becoming a great-grandmother. I want to spend my rest of life with my Great- Grand Children.

Dadi blessed Khushi. Everyone is happy that the whole family is together. Khushi is now 9 months pregnant and is due in two weeks. Dadi took her to Sheesh Mahal for some Mallik tradition to get blessings from Sheesh mahal Mandir. Khushi went with Dadi despite Arnav's protests. While in Sheesh Mahal, She gets a phone call

Khushi:- Hello

Person on the phone:- Is it Mrs. Raizada??

Khushi:- Ha, mein Mrs. Raizada Bhol raha hun.

Person:- Madam, your Husband met with a car accident on the way to Lucknow and he was dead on by the time he reached to the hospital.

Khushi's heart Almost stopped, she started getting pains due to the shock. Her care taker (appointed by Arnav) took her to the hospital. Khushi lost her consciousness. When she got her consciousness back, she saw her new born daughter in the crib. The nurse gave her the baby. Khushi kissed her cheeks

Khushi:- Arshitha, you are not going to leave me like your father. I am living for you only.

Khushi cried her heart out for her husband, She took her baby and left the hospital. She wanted to get far way from Delhi and Luknow because they remind her of Arnav. She booked a ticket to Hyderabad to start a new life with her daughter.

7 years Later.

Khushi came running to the hospital in Delhi. Her feet halted when she looked at a person at her last breath.

Khushi:- Who are you? Why did you want to talk with me.

Patient:- My name is Durga, I was the person who called you and told that ur husband's death. (Khushi closed her eyes and relived the pain.) But I lied to you that day. (Khushi's world just came crashing down).


Durga:- Mujhe maaf karna. I deserve all the pain I am in right now. I separated a wife from her husband and son from his mother.

Khushi:- (even more shocked), WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT. I have a daughter not a son.

Durga:- You had 2 babies, A son and Daughter. I was told bring your son.

Khushi:- (all angry), WHO THE HELL TOLD YOU DO THAT???

Durga:- Su....Su......Subhadra Mallik


Durga came running to Subhadra telling that Khushi gave birth to boy and a girl.

Subhadra:- Bring me the boy and leave the girl.

Durga:- Why Malikin, why don't u want the girl?

Subhadra:- I don't want that filth in my house, I just need the boy so my he can pass the family name.

Durga:- Ji Malikin.

End of Flashback.

Khushi was suddenly pushed by the nurses as Durga was coding and durga passed away free of her guilt.

Khushi (self thought):- My Arnav is alive and I......I.....have a son. Meri Aarav. Amma loves your very much beta. If Arnav is alive, then I have to put sindoor in my maang. Khushi then when to the devi maiyya Idol and took some sindoor and filled her maang. She than quickly her Athamma (Buaji) to bring Arshitha to Delhi.

End of Flashback

Khushi:- I have to meet my husband and my son, I can't wait to see them. (She hugged her Athamma and cried).




Suddenly the whole fire consumed them and Arnav woke up with a scream.

Arnav:- AAARAV.

Arnav sees that his son is sleeping very peacefully and remembered that fateful day.


Arnav just stepped out of office He got a Phone call from dadi.

Dadi:- (faking happiness) Arnav bitwa, Khushi bitiya went to labor and she delivered a baby boy.

Arnav was in 7th heaven. He is a father now to a son.

Arnav:- Oh dadi I am so happy. How's Khushi, is she ok???

Dadi:- She is fine, just unconscious after the labor.

Arnav:- be their with Khushi dadi, I will bring all the family there.

When the whole Raizada Kandhan reached Lucknow, a huge fire in the maternity ward welcomed them. Arnav was running to the fire yelling Khushi, but Aakash and Aman held him. Arnav collapsed on the floor and started crying. Then felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned to see Dadi, holding Aarav.

Arnav:- Dadi,, Is Khushi ok.

Dadi:- What happened to Khushi bitiya, I just took the baby to his vaccinations in the clinic. What is this fire, ahhh Khushi bitiya is inside.....

Arnav just blanked out of the world, he was brought back reverie by the cry of Aarav and he was brought back to reality. He took his son from his dadi and walked away with a new purpose in this life.

End of Flashback.

Arnav took a sleeping pill to drift back to sleep. 

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