So that’s how she was in front of the school gates at five thirty in the morning. The security guard wasn’t in sight, and the gates were locked. She wanted to hit herself. Why hadn’t she thought about this part? She had even made up an excuse of catching up with yesterday’s work to her mom, and now, she had to stay out until the gates open? What if Evan comes along first?

She shuddered. No, that wouldn’t do.

She paced around, slightly shivering at the cold breeze. Front gate locked. She went around, to the back agate. Nope. Locked. She sighed. How was she going to get in? She frowned at the ground, wondering…

“Aha!” The sports complex. As she remembered, there was a gate right into the grounds, so that athletes can enter the ground without going through the entire school. Maybe it wasn’t locked? Praying she sped to it and was disappointed to see the padlock in the gate.

She humphed. What to do now? She scanned that area and noticed that the wall here was considerably lower than the others. In fact it looked climbable. She had never climbed a wall in her life but it should be like climbing a tree right?

Decision made she tightened her ponytail into a bun so that it wouldn’t get in the way. Gritting her teeth, she removed her back pack and threw it over the wall. She heard it fall with a thud and hoped it didn’t fall into mud. Then, she hoisted herself up onto the gate, grabbing onto the steel prongs at the middle, used for decoration. The gate clanged. Holding her breath, she placed her hands to the brick wall next to the gate, switching her hands and feet and paused, balancing her self. Now the hardest part.

Thanking her stars for doing push-ups everyday, she pulled herself up onto the wall, her arms straining.

And she was at the top, panting slightly. She looked down and decided that it would be easier to jump down. Nudging her old glasses up her nose, she crouched on the narrow wall, and dropped down, her arms keeping her from falling. Then she released her hold and jumped down. Giving a silent cheer, Rose quickly grabbed her bag and raced across the grounds to the main building. She tested the handle of the entrance doors and was unsurprised to see them unlocked. She speed walked to the student council office and using her key she entered into the class representatives’ room.

“Finally…” she said with a grin. Panting, she dropped herself into a chair and placed her glasses aside. She wiped her sweat from her hanky. It was a quarter to six so she had some time to catch some sleep. Yawning, she set an alarm in her phone and she leant on the table to sleep.

Evan Morris stretched his arms above his head, glancing around, looking for…his prey. Rose Carter.

He stood on the steps of the main doors, waiting for her to appear as she usually did. She hadn’t come to school yesterday but knowing her, she wouldn’t miss another day. Unless she was sick. He tensed. Was she sick? Was it fever?

He started to worry. Did she become that shocked by what he did? He couldn’t help but feel a little smug by that. He reached for his phone but paused. No, he’ll wait a little longer.

So he waited, nodding his head at the girls who came up to him, giggling. He charmed them well, gave them his usual cuteness. They left, satisfied, having talked with Evan Morris. The guys went past him, some apprehensive, others grinning at him, asking whether he was coming to class.

“In a minute,” he said with a smile.

He craned his neck at the gate. Twenty minutes had passed but she was still not here. He was impatient by now. He wanted to see her. Her blushing face, as she hid behind those glasses of hers…His hand went to his pocket and felt for the glasses she left behind in her haste. He grinned wolfishly, remembering the way he kissed her. The first taste of her wasn’t disappointing. She had actually made him dizzy. And he wanted to taste it again. He wanted to know how she looked like when kissed in the morning. He wanted to…Evan grimaced at the possessive feeling he had in him as it rose. He had to see her. Soon. Now.

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