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"Today has been so freaking stressful," I groan, falling back on Val's bed. "If something is a secret, then why do you tell other people about it? Literally just keep it to yourself. That's the old saying, right? Two can keep a secret if one of them is dead? I mean, I guess it wasn't nice of me to do considering that "

"Stop beating yourself up about it. Shantell should've known better than to have a thing for my brother," Val comments ruthlessly. "It might be harsh, but it's the truth."

"Then again, can Shanti really control her feelings?" I ask. Val sighs.

"She'll get over it eventually. Until then, let's talk. I heard that you and a certain Fabian Crane were hanging out at lunch yesterday. Do tell," Val grins, looking at me.

Seeing as that she overheard that I had a thing for Fabian, it's such a disappointment that I have to let her down and let her know that Fabian Crane and me aren't going to work out.

"Eh, we just went at friends," I tell her.

"Oh, come on. The dude is a total babe," she reminds me. "And let's not forget that someone here who isn't me totally has a thing for him.

"I don't think Fabian and I are going to work out," I admit. "I just don't think that I have a chance."

At least I wasn't lying.

"Of course you have a chance! Sure, he's a junior, but you guys are just one year apart. Tons of people date who are just a year apart. In fact, my brother's girlfriend is a year younger than him," Val points out.

I sigh, "Fabian and I aren't really compatible."

"Please. You're an amazing person. He talks to you all the time in art. If he doesn't have a thing for you, then he's gotta be gay or something," Valerie jokes, and I don't respond.

I don't know how she jokes about that kind of stuff. When she realizes I'm not replying she tilts her head up, and I slowly see the lightbulb click on in her head.

"Oh my god," she says quietly.

"Do not say anything," I warn her in a low tone. "Do you understand me, Valerie? This isn't just one of those things that you go around saying. This is serious."

"I get it," Val says incredulously. "I just never thought... Of all the people in the world, Fabian Crane is gay... Wow. I never would've seen that one coming. Who all knows?"

"Just us. That's why he brought me with him to get lunch yesterday," I explain.

"Wow..." Val comments, still in shock. "So sorry for you though. You must've really liked him too. Let's eat ice cream and watch Disney movies until you have to go home. I feel bad."

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