"What do you remember about bathing?" I asked. "Don't get soap in your eyes and to, and to make sure to get, to get clean." she replied.

I swear she is so cute.

After she was done, I started draining the water and got her out of the tub. I wrapped her in a towel and she smiled.

"Mummy, look! I'm clean!" she said. "Yeah! Now you have to get dressed!" I said. "Okay!" she yelled, running out of her room.

"Wha- Ali! You don't have the towel." I yelled. I sighed and shook my head. She is so.......Ali.

I saw her pulling up her shorts and putting her shirt on. I laid out a yellow short sleeved shirt, some blue jean shorts, and some silver sandals for her to put on. Now, I just have to do her hair.

"Mummy, look! I got dressed all by myself!" she said, lifting her arms and twirling around. "That's great, sweetie! Come on so I can do your hair." I said, holding my hand out. She grabbed my hand and I walked her over to her tiny desk.

I kneeled down behind her and grabbed her white comb along with her brush. I sat them down beside me and plugged in the hair dryer. I turned it on and started blowdrying her hair.

She giggled as the warm air blew her hair all over the place. Once her hair was dry, I put the hairdryer away and started combing her hair.

"Mummy, what are we doing today?" she asked. "We are going to the park, the mall, then lunch, and we will come back home so everyone can do something with us." I replied, finishing her hair.

Her long, curly hair flowed down her back once I was done. It's almost to her bum! I need to take her to get a hair cut now that I'm thinking about it. Just to cut to her mid-back.

"Okay. Now, mummy has to get dressed okay?" I said. "Okay, mummy. I'll be right here!" she said, getting off the chair and going to her toy box.

I smiled and stood up from the floor. I walked into Sam and I's room and walked into the closet. I grabbed an outfit and took a quick shower before getting dressed.

I walked out of the bathroom, my hair dry and my teeth brushed, blah blah blah

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I walked out of the bathroom, my hair dry and my teeth brushed, blah blah blah. I got my hygiene covered!

I walked out of the bathroom, grabbing my purse, and walked back into Ali's room. I discovered her playing with three of her barbies.

"Um, Keesha, that is not cute."
"Whatever, Annabelle! You are just mad because I am more prettier!"
"You guys, you guys! All of us are pretty in our own way! We are all perfect and beautiful! Don't bring each other down! Keesha, you are independent and beautiful! I wish I was as fierce as you! Annabelle, you are a beautiful and strong woman! So, stop fighting!"
"She's right, Anna. Forgive me?"

Okay, where did she learn all of these words? I'm shook. Okay.

"Making your barbies realise they are perfect and beautiful in their own unique way? Good job, Ali." I said, smiling at her. "Thank you." she said.

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