Don't Take Me From the Dark

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~(Y/n)'s P.O.V~

He kissed my hand softly and said "It's a pleasure to meet my friend who I longed to see, I am the boogeyman, Pitch Black." Before he could stand back up, I swiftly wrap my arms around his neck in a soft, delicate embrace. He quickly returns the kind gesture of affection.

~Pitch's P.O.V~

She hugged... she hugged me. Is this what it feels like to be loved? I quickly return her embrace, I wouldn't want to ruin this once-in-a-life-time opportunity. I hear her whisper softly, "Thank god,I got to see you, you're really're right here..." She's so fragile, even her voice tells me this. I feel her softly weep on my shoulder, to which I pull away to wipe her tears of joy. I never notice the tears falling off my own face until they fall on my robe.

We were happily enjoying each other's presence until I hear a familiar brat call. "Pitch! Get away from that girl!" It was Jack, Jack Frost."Pitch, what is he doing here?" She asked me softly. I was about to answer her until I felt a stinging cold against me waist. I wince as I realized that he had shot me with a ice attack. I glance at (Y/n) only to see flames spewing from her hands with eyes full of fury. She leaped and attacked Jack with a powerful, blinding flame. He quickly dodged as the field behind him was set on fire.

He was taken aback from her brute strength and hostility towards a guardian. I call to her to return to me before the other guardians were alerted, but I was too late. They had appeared and tried to take my precious (Y/n) away from me. She struggled against North's grip, constantly kicking and cursing, threatening them, yelling to be let go. They must've thought I had brainwashed her, or of the sort. "No.. NO! (Y/n)!" I yell, but the blow that Jack had done to my waist was spreading, immobilizing me. "Pitch!No!" She yelled as she was taken away, towards the North Pole. I began to sob, my precious love, gone.

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[OLD] Dark and Light (ROTG Pitch Black x FireMagic!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now