Chapter 21: As You Sleep

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The boy in front of Snape looked even smaller as the couch engulfed his figure. Snape never noticed how, despite the boy's emotional strength and wit, was he just truly nothing else but a boy. A boy who had learned to survive the hard way and whose life had never been easy. In front of him was a boy, and who, despite it all, had always been Lily's boy.

She would have been proud of you.

And Snape knew how true it was. But he did not wamt to recognize the feeling of empathy, of hurt that was lingering in his heart whenever he thought of Harry Potter's broken and damaged self. Of what could have been had he learned of this... guardianship sooner rather than later.

So with a deep breath, Snape decided that he was not the person to make this child's life more harder. Snape cleared his throat, "I know how much you love to read, Potter. Your library records say as much. Say, boy, have you read the Illiad?"

At the mention of the book, the boy's green eyes lit up. Snape smiled inwardly. Of course he must have. No bookworm would ever miss the chance of reading such a fine book.

"Yes, sir. Have you?"

Snape nodded, and with a sudden cheerfulness, the boy proceeded to discuss the Illiad in detail.


As midday struck, the pair of professor and student were finding their arguments about books as time worth the while. They both found it pleasing as well as enlightening.

As for Bran, he had never met a man as well versed as the Professor, but now he knew how much of a Literary man Snape was. He had never talked with such an intellectual as Snape, and Bran liked this side of Snape better.

For Snape, he knew how wide the span of Potter's reading was, but seeing how the boy was obssessed with the classics and seeing it first hand, it was still surprising. He had never heard an eleven year old discuss Homer with such passion burning in his eyes. He had never even seen that type of passion for knowledge in his colleagues, and to think Flitwick was a Ravenclaw. By Merlin, he had never engaged in such a conversation since Lily, and they were fifteen that time.

Perhaps, they had something in common, after all.

"And so, I believe, lunch should be served, boy."

"Yes, sir."

They hadn't noticed, but the both of them spent the rest of the day discussing the things they have learned through their readings and they discovered that they both share the liking for the Classics, and Snape was surprised to learn how wide Bran's reading was. Homer, Shakespeare and even Frances Hodgson Burnett did not go unread by the boy.

And Bran loved every moment of conversation he had with Snape. He never met anyone with such intelligence as his Professor, and he liked it.

To say the least, they spent the day in comfortable companionship, without them realizing it.


Three days before Christmas, the pair was quietly conversing in the dining area.

"Have you thought of what to get your friends this Christmas, Potter?"

Bran fidgeted under the Potions Master's stare after the unexpected question. It was afternoon, almost six in the evening, and they were preparing for dinner. Severus was laying down the utensils as Bran was making sure that the napkins were there.

"I... Haven't thought about it yet, Professor," Bran admitted.

"I see. Well, you better start now. You have a few hours to do so, and a whole night to get some rest. I have set tomorrow as the date for the both of us to do some... Buying."

Brandon grinned and for some reason, Snape mused, it was his turn to fidget. Not that he would ever admit it to anyone else, "Shopping, you mean, sir?" Bran's voice was teasing.

"Well, you could call it that, if you want."

Bran's grin widened, "Sure, Professor. Anything you say."

Who would thought that Snape actually shops before Christmas? Bran wondered what might Snape get for his friends (or colleagues, if the man was asked). After some thought, he decided to make a list later of who and what to get his friends.

They ate dinner in silence and then Bran gathered the dishes with Jar hot on his heels telling him not to do it. Bran shrugged, smiled sheepishly and said, "Sorry, Mister Jar, out of habit."

Jar, with eyes wide, only nodded and proceeded to wash the dishes.


"Yes, sir?"

The man beckoned him forward and bran followed. The Professor was striding towards the sitting room again. His black robes were billowing, and Brandon thought of shadows. But the type of shadows he thought about were protective ones. The man was like a bird- a big, black bird. Its wings spread wide, its talons sharp and its beak always ready to defend. The black eyes of the man only added to the effect.

"Here," the man shoved a thin roll of parchment on Bran's hands. A quill was also with it, "List the things you need to buy and we shall be off at say, half past nine on the morrow."

Bran nodded in wonderment.

Not only do Snape shop, he even lists stuff?!

Surprise, indeed.

Bran then decided to do as he was told. His grin was reaching his ears.

Finally, another Christmas to look forward to.

The Boy: Brandon DurselyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant