"Thank god your ok ...did u hear that ?" A loud dark scream came from down stairs next to the basement ...

"Thinking what I'm thinking ..",

"Maybe ...go down there and see what's going on ..?",

"Bingo !!",then we both ran down there to where the voice came from ..

We arrived to a large door written on it in red " warning :don't enter " we just ignored it and opened the heavy iron door and just peeked our heads ..

"What the ..?",Scarlet said opening her eyes wide open then walked back "run !!!" ,

"What ,why run ?" I saw Scarlet running ,then I peeked my head too to see what caused her to run "Alice ! What are u doing !?" ,

"I want to see what's happening ..." ,then I saw that Youshiro was tied to his chair with demon eyes and with big black yora's on the ground but still atached to his back ,I walked in without knowing it and stood infront of Youshiro just staring and Mikeyla and Leloush That Was next to me jumped back like someone hit them with a needle or electricity from the back ...

"What your doing here ?",-Mika

"Oh ..just observing ...",-Alice

"You know that your not allowed to be in this room !?",-Zero

"Really..? No",-Alice

"U got to get out of here or you'll get hurt .."-Mika

"Forget about it Mika ,maybe we'll need her to turn him back to nomal ..",-Zero

"And how is she gona help him do that ?"-Mika

"Yeah ,what he said"-Alice

"I'll tell u how ..by u know ..ahm ..help me Mika .."-zero


"Come on .."

"I said no ,even so u can tell her by yourself "

"I can't"

"Why not ?"

"I'm kinda nervous.."

"Not my problem .. she'll figure it out by herself .. what do I hav't to do with your little mistakes with potions and spells u could've just do it with your Geass eye ..it's easy as pie .."

"Good idea...but first let's just see if it works ..."

"See if it works why your Geass eye doesn't work anymore ?"

"No not like that ....what's the word I'm looking for ...yes ,yes ...I meen if it's able to control on her mind ...that's it !"

"U know that's just a bigger and fancier scentence to say 'if it works on her ?"

"Nevermind ..what should I let her do for testing ..."

"Let her do something helarious or stupid ..."

"I've got it !!"

Then he did the move thing when he wants to demand someone by something (if u watch Code Geass you will know the move) and Mikeyla dragged me infront of him

"The Geass demands u to Act Like A Chicken !"

"What ?"-Mika

"Never in your clucking dreams roster !! ",-Alice

"Wait ,why didn't it work ?"-Zero

"I think it did ..on Mikeyla .."-alice

Then we both started to laugh at Mikeyla that was dancing like a chicken ....

Into An Another WorldOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz