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"Hello Magnus", Isabelle's face grinned at him.
"Glad you could make it."

She turned and sashayed away in her denim jacket and black skirt, her hair open as usual.

Magnus closed the door behind him and looked around. He couldn't believe this was the same apartment he visited every other day, it had been totally transformed.

There were colourful balloons taped to the wall and hanging from the ceiling and many were lying on the floor. Huge streamers covered the rest of the walls and a huge colourful banner that read 'Happy Birthday Max' hung in the middle of the room. The music was on and Magnus could see a couple of boys around Max's age dancing.

As he put his gift on a table, his eyes wandered, searching for Alexander.

"Hey", someone spoke from behind, and Magnus turned to find Alexander's roommate, Soman?

"I'm Simon, remember me?" he grinned.
"Oh and nice outfit."

Magnus was wearing colourful striped pants with a black hoodie sprayed with golden glitter. He was wearing a stud in one ear and his hair had been gelled up with lots of golden glitter. Nothing like glitter to complete an outfit.

"Same cannot be said for you", Magnus eyed his jeans and slightly crumpled t-shirt.

"This was pretty last minute", Simon said, with a half shrug.

"Okay, where is Alexander?" Magnus asked, giving up the pretense of being interested in small talk.

"I think he went to get the cake and some other stuff with Clary", Simon remembered.
"Oh look there they are!"

The door opened just then and Magnus saw Alexander enter with a redhead girl with bright green eyes. The girl, whom Magnus assumed to be Clary, glared at him playfully while making him wear a party heart. Alec said something and she laughed and suddenly Magnus had this intense feeling of dislike

Magnus was just about to ask who the hell Clary was when he felt someone tug at his sleeve and he turned to see Max beaming at him.

"You came", he said, with such happiness that Magnus thought his heart would melt.

"Of course I did", Magnus smiled.
"And how old are you today?"

"13", Max grinned.

"Ah, entering the teen", Magnus nodded.

Max opened his mouth to say something but a pair of arms enveloped him from behind.

"Jace!" Max exclaimed, grinning up at a tall boy with silky blonde hair, golden eyes and a smile on his face. Magnus could see he was muscular thanks to the sweater that clung to his body and there was a certain grace and attitude with which he held himself. He was radiant like the sun and he knew it.

"It's your favorite brother", Jace said, giving Max a crooked grin.

"Hey!" an indignant voice came from behind, at Magnus stood up to see Alec coming from behind, the party hat sitting crookedly on his head while his face held an expression of part annoyance and amusement.

Jace held up his hands.

"Ask Max."

"He would only say that both of you are his favorite", the red haired girl rolled her eyes.

"Where the hell were you?"

"Got my hands messy", Jace shrugged, giving her a knowing look.

"Though if I had known I would be seeing the 'Alec Fashion Show', I would have come sooner.

"Blame Clary",  Alec grumbled, giving her a glare, taking off his party cap.

Magnus hid a smile.

"Well, Max and his friends can wear them", Clary said, smiling at the aforementioned boy.

Max flushed.

"I'm 13", he said indignantly and all of them started laughing as he strode away.

"Oh, guys", Alec said, looking at Jace and Clary.

"This is Magnus, he comes for guitar lessons, and Magnus this is Jace and Clary."

Jace wrapped his arm around Clary's waist and smiled lazily at him.

Suddenly, Magnus's chest felt lighter. So they were dating. It meant that Clary wasn't Alexander's girlfriend, not that it even bothered him.

Clary seemed to be bubbly and cute and overall a little biscuit.

"Nice to meet you, Magnus", she smiled at him.

"Pleasure's all mine", Magnus smiled back charmingly.

At that very moment Isabelle came in and glared at Jace.

"Can't come at time once in your lifetime". She said.

"VIPs arrive late", he smirked.

Everyone rolled their eyes.

"Now that everyone's here, let's cut the cake", Isabelle says.

"I'll get it out", Alec nods and everyone scatters, leaving Magnus alone as he saw Max chatting with a bunch of boys. Boring. He turned to see Alexander smiling as he opened the cake. Much more interesting.

He found it really adorable and heart touching how Alec's face would light up when he was around his family and friends, doing something for them, or even thinking about them.

Magnus was distracted for a second as he saw Jace accidentally drop Alec's guitar case and Clary scolding her. Magnus smirked. They looked cute.

His turned back to Alec who was giving the cake a fixated look and advancing towards Magnus (or the table behind Magnus), careful not to drop it.

Magnus knew by the time he would warn Alec it would be too late.

What he did next was risky and impulsive but he had no other choice.

Just as Alec tripped over the guitar case the cake went fling out of his hands and Magnus's fingers snapped. Blue sparks erupted and the cake landed safely in his hands.

Clary and Jace stopped fighting, looking at Alec in horror when they realized he had been carrying the cake.

Alec himself had an expression of shock as he looked up to see the cake, perfectly safe in Magnus's hand.

"Oh my god", he said, quickly getting up. In two long strides he was beside Magnus.

"Turns out I have a natural flair for catching falling cakes", Magnus smirked.

"Thank you, Magnus", Alec said, still amazed at what had happened.

"If the cake would have been ruined-" he shook his head, not wanting to think about it.

"Its safe now", Magnus assured him.

"Though you might want to have a look at the guitar..."

Magnus set the cake on the table as Alec went towards the guitar case, lying beside a glaring Clary and an apologetic Jace.

Magnus looked around, sighing in relief. No one saw that....

There was a hand on his shoulder and her whirled around, standing face to face with Simon, his eyes wide open.

"I saw what you did."

Hopeless [ Malec AU ]Where stories live. Discover now