Story One: A ChildHood Romance (Loosely Based on the Anime)

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‘Pegasus’ thought ChibiUsa, lost in a daydream while at art class. Paint brush in one hand, cradling her cheek in the other. ‘There’s just something so special about you. I wish I knew you more.’

“ChibiUsa,” called her teacher, “ChibiUsa. Tsukino ChibiUsa.”

“Huh?” asked ChibiUsa breaking out of her daydream.

“It’s time to go now.” Her teacher said simply, gesturing to the near empty classroom. A few students were still cleaning up.

“Oh, I’m so sorry!” ChibiUsa exclaimed as she packed up her art supplies and handed her teacher the painting she’s made.

“What a lovely Pegasus,” said the teacher lovingly, “I love how the Pegasus is gazing out at the admirer of the painting. It makes me fall in love with the winged fellow.”

“Thank you so much, sensei!” And with that, ChibiUsa hurried home. She was eager to see pegasus. Pegasus had given her the Stallion Reve to be able to communicate outside of dreams.

When ChibiUsa reached home, the first thing she went for was the Stallion Reve, hidden in her room. She quickly shut the door behind her and clambered on her bed holding the Stallion Reve.

“Pegasus,” she called to him, “Pegasus, are you there?”

The Stallion Reve sparkled and opened up to reveal a tiny, white horse with wings and a golden horn, as well as a red jewel embedded into his head.

“My little girl,” Pegasus breathed, “My maiden.”

ChibiUsa sighed in happiness and pressed her forehead to the glass on the Reve.

“Pegasus,” she asked, “What do you do when I’m gone?”

Pegasus looked up at her and said, “I think about you and your pure, innocent dreams. You’re dreams are the ones that keep Elysian alive. I think about how free Elysian will become once your dreams are released unto the world. Without you, or your dreams Elysian will be non-existant.”

“Oh Pegasus, I wish I could help free you.”

“Only once Nehellenia is defeated and the Golden Crystal is in your hands, I will become free.”

“ChibiUsa!” Usagi called.

“Uh-Oh,” ChibiUsa stiffened, “I’ve got to go now.”

“Farewell, my little one.” And with that the Reve closed up and ChibiUsa hid it.

“ChibiUsa!” Usagi burst into ChibiUsa’s room.

“Don’t you knock?” asked ChibiUsa, a little short-tempered.

“We need to Henshin! It’s Palla-Palla.” She informed.

“Oh, OK.” ChibiUsa nodded, and then rushed along with Usagi.

‘Crisis, Make-Up!’

They arrived on the scene as Super Sailor Moon and Super Sailor Chibi Moon. The other Soldiers were already there before them.

“Sailor Moon!” ChibiMoon scolded, “You should have told me earlier so we could get here in time!.”

“ChibiMoon, not now!” yelled Sailor Moon in frustration.

“About time,” called Sailor Jupiter, “Palla-Palla’s out of her mind! Her little play went haywire and she’s now attacking everyone.”

“We’re sorry,” both girls apologised.

“Palla-Palla, stop right there!” Moon grabbed the attention of Palla-Palla.

“Well if it isn’t the leader of the group and her… Pink-haired mop.” Palla-Palla teased. ChibiMoon lowered her eyebrows and pouted.

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