All About Amity/ Authors Note

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   Hey guys! I'm Madison the author of, "The Year Of My Dreams". This a fanfic about Shawn Mendes and a high school senior named Amity. You will get to read about her year with Shawn.

   I apologize that this isn't a chapter of my story, and you might think it is boring and is no use to read. You DO NOT have to proceed to read this if you don't want to. But, I would like to advise you to read this because things happen in the story that would make much more sense if you read this.

Amity and Shawn are the main characters. Since you probably already know some things about Shawn, I thought I should tell you a little about Amity and her life. Enjoy!

  Amity Wells is a very complex 17 year old. I wanted to help you get inside her head and understand her more.

  I definitely don't want to tell you everything, as you will discover more of her as she discovers more of herself in the story. So, lets start with the basics. Her full name is Amity Bay Wells. She is very friendly (no wonder). She can be very outgoing but can also be shy. Her birthday is on January 11th. She loves music, sports, art, school, science, and basically everything. She is pretty good at everything she does. She is very smart and already has a ticket to UT (University of Toronto). She wants to go to school to be a lawyer. Amity doesn't like to show off, but will brag occasionally about this or that.

    She is a model for a popular modeling agency that is based out of Toronto. She grew up her whole life in there. She has a mom and dad, Jenna and Daniel. She has a great group of friends.

    Amity Casen is known as an amazing girl in her town. But she is struggling to find herself. It all started during her relationship with her last boyfriend Jake. He was constantly cheating on her and she had enough. It took a lot of courage, but she broke up with him and he's still a dead beat. When she broke up with him it gave her a huge confidence boost. That slowly faded after he spammed her with messages like, "Its funny u think that u will be able to find another guy." And, "No one will ever love you." She blocked him on everything, but those words stuck with her. At that point she really believed what Jake was saying. She gave up looking for a better guy. (You will find out a lot more on how that relationship changed her in later chapters).

Amity and her friends get along great and agree about everything. Well, almost everything. Amity loves Shawn Peter Raul Mendes. He's her life. Her friends think she's a little crazy.

Okay. I think I'm getting a little carried away. I think that's all you should know about her for right now. Oh come on... one more thing. Amity has a crush on one of the models she works with. His name is Maddox Meyers. He's 4 years older than her but she really likes him. Even though she knows he will never like her. (THAT'S VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION). Okay. Now I'm done.

That's all you should know. Congratulations if you read the whole thing; It was longer than I anticipated. Thank you for getting to know Amity. I hope you enjoy the rest of my story!

- Madison💕

P.S the story in in Amity's POV.

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