Before the Auction

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I wake up in a dark grimy room handcuffed to a dingy bed. "You must be a fighter... They don't normally handcuff newbies to the bed," I hear a sarcastic voice say from the corner of the room. "Well obviously. Who in their right mind wouldn't fight when their being kidnapped," I ask.
"I fought I didn't wake up handcuffed to a bed," the same person says, stepping into the dim light. She looks like a cold hearted person, though she was beautiful."Well I realized they were drugging me and pretended to faint. I waited for them to go away then ran but they caught up and knocked me out," I say.
"Nice job girl... Did you really think you could outrun vampires?"
"Vampires??? Are you serious?" My eyes pop out of my head. "Wonderful! Let me guess... I'm being sold as a slave."
"Great, just absolutely fan-fucking-tastic. Now I just have to wait for the torture my master gives me." She smirks. "Yeah most of 'em are pretty bad. I'm Michelle."
"Hey shut up you two," I hear a male voice say.
"Oh yeah fucktard. I'll talk as much as I want," I yell. Michelle smirks. "Your gonna get punished for that."
"Do I look like I give any fucks?"
"Not really."
"Good because all of them flew away a long time ago." The barred door flys open. "Time for a punishment you little bitch," The man says.
"I thought the buyers hated their stuff being touched."
"As long as there's nothing on your face I'll be fine," he says. He punches me in the gut. I glare at him. "That all you got asshat?" I ask. He slaps me hard enough to leave a mark. "Oops, you marred my face," I say, tauntingly. His eyes literally turn red from rage. He hits me harder in the ribs and I hear one crack. I let out a fake scream of pain, then chuckle. "Bitch this isn't anything. I've gone through worse on an everyday basis." He growls then storms off. "He's coming back. You know that right?"
"Oh I count on it. Such a shame he'll miss us."
"What do you mean?"
"Well aren't we about to be auctioned off?" She smirks in understanding. "Oh yes that is a shame." Two women open the barred doors. "Get up ladies," one of them says, harshly. Michelle walks over to them.  "She's handcuffed to the bed. She can't get up," Michelle says. The harsh woman slaps her. "Did I ask you anything?" She yells.
"No ma'am I just thought I'd let you know."
"Flora be kind she's just trying to help her friend," the other woman says kindly. I beam at her, already liking her. "Fine I'll go get the key so we can get her ready," Flora says grudgingly.
"Don't worry about her dears she just tries to act tough. I'm Merryweather," she says. Flora speeds into the room and unlocks the handcuffs. "Thank you," I say.

The Fangirl Meets The VampireOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz