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"Is that asshat following me," I mutter to myself. I turn around and look at him. "Hey do you need something or do you always follow random girls down the street," I call out to him.
"I only follow the pretty ones," he says.
"That's kind of creepy dude," I say. I turn around and start to walk away. I feel a freezing cold hand wrap around my throat. "Darling you haven't seen creepy yet," he whispers in my ear. I elbow him in the gut hard enough to knock the breath out of him and break free of his grasp. "I'm going to call the police," I say, pulling out my phone. Someone's hand covers my face with a cloth. Great merciful God in heaven, they're trying to drug me. I hold my breath and fall limp. "Lets go Carter," the other man says, "she should fetch a pretty penny in the auctions."
"That bitch elbowed me," Carter says. The other man chuckles. "Good thing too. Most masters like them feisty."
"I just want a taste."
"Now, now Carter. You know they like their slaves untouched."
"James come on."
"No Carter." It's obvious this James guy is in charge. One of them picks me up and throws me into the back of a car based on the door slam. I hear them walk to the front of the car and feel them sit down on the hood. I slowly crawl to the car door and open it quietly. I jump out and start to run away. I get tackled a few yards away and I feel a hard impact to the back of my head. I go out like a light.

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