"I can't let you pay for all the candy I brought! I can pay myself you know!" He protested. I simply grabbed the bags and bid Crowley a tomorrow, grabbing Yuu's hand once again.

Ignoring his protests, I dragged him towards a nearby park where a bench laid freely.

"Relax Yuu chan, it's not a big deal, I can handle your fatness," I giggled. I sat on the bench, gesturing him to sit down as well. He grumbled something under his breath and sat beside me.

"Why're you doing this? Candy isn't gonna bribe me ya know," he trailed off. I knew it wouldn't, of course. I was going to win his heart but not in that way. I wanted Yuu chan to love me back and feel the same way. So, I was going to make him. Not because I wanted to mess with his feelings, no. Because I was in love with him.

"What's your favorite color?" I asked, staring at the children play on the playground. Yuu chan looked me as if I were crazy.


"You said I had to get to know you, so I want to get to know you," I responded. Yuu chan looked down.

"Green," he smiled. Obviously.

"I like green too," I smirked. Yuu was staring off at the small children as well. Did he like kids?

"You like kids?" I asked.

"Yea," he smiled. God how I loved that smile.

"I'm gonna spoil my kids one day, and spend as much time with them as I can, do things that my father never did," he explained. I could tell in his eyes how he became upset thinking about it. Although, I understood. Guren was a higher ranking in the military and he was very well known. So I already knew he was always busy.

"My dad was always busy too but, he always tried spending time with me seeing that I am his only son. But, I always pushed him away, I don't know why but I just did. Ever since my mother left us I always seemed to push him away."

"That's no good, Mika. Your father really loves you, you know. He really cares for you-"

"Oh reeeally? If he did, than he wouldn't have cheated on my mom," I spat. I regretted it instantly. Yuu chan was take back at my remark. I noticed his face flush and became pale.

"And? That doesn't mean he doesn't love you, Mika. He's your FAMILY! Damnit, you're his only family and you're the reason why he's even still alive! Can't you see? He's always talking about you! You just gotta understand," he sighed. Maybe he was right. Maybe I did push my father to the edge. And maybe it was my fault that he was always upset. Because I am his only family.

"I-I'm sorry Yuu chan. You're right," I whispered.

Yuu sighed, leaning back while taking a bite off a gummy worm. The sugar specks coated his plump pink lips. How cute.

"Favorite food?" He suddenly asked. I smiled. Maybe this is a new start. Maybe Yuu chan is finally opening up. Slowly, but surely.

"Clams, heh,"

"Clams? Geez, I forgot you ate nothing but fancy foods!" He grumbled.

"What about you?" I asked softly.

"Pizzaaaaa~" he sighed.

"You know," Yuu began.

"You're not half bad, Mika," my eyes widened.

"Does that mean-"

"No," he groaned.

"I'm not in love with you, idiot. But, I do like you. You're better than what I expected," he explained.

And even though he wasn't in love with me, I was for sure going to make him. Yuu chan was probably the best thing that happened to me so far. He made me feel something that I've never felt. And I was ready to take that challenge from him.

"We should get going," I smiled.

"I'm too lazy to get up," Yuu complained. That gave me a great idea.

I suddenly grabbed Yuu, picking him up bridal style. His usual embarrassed face reappeared.

"OY! Y-you idiot, let me go!" He groaned. I could even see the red spreading across his cheeks.

"Yuu chan~ you're so light, lighter than a feather~"



I'm so proud of myself lol. Anyways, I decided to start adding chapter names, as you see above^^ this one is called "A day with 'Yuu'" so yea.

Anyways next update will be soon! And thank you all for the cute comments you've been leaving, you're all super sweet~

Please be sure to vote comment and share! Pleeeeease I really want to get this story far (:

- Airi

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