Chapter 4 : A Night Out

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"Start packing.""Why? You're kicking me out? What did I do?" I started crying. Why.. I love her. I.. I can't live without her."What? I'm not kicking you out. We're going on a trip.""A.. a trip?" I stopped crying. What is she talking about?"It's winter break, silly. We're taking a trip. Pack warm weather clothes." I was confused, but I went with it. I could use a vacation, especially with Sage. "We have been in this truck for like 9 hours! Where are we going?""Patience, dear. We're almost there." Sage has kept me in this car for hours, and she won't even tell me where we're going! I am so frustrated, but it's worth it. The ride wasn't bad, actually fun. We listened to music ans sang our hearts out and ate at every restaurant on the way. So other than the unknowing pain, I love spending time with her.Another hour passed, and we pulled up to a house on the boardwalk by the beach."Where the heck are we?""Myrtle Beach. My cousin's beach house.""Seriously? Why?""Vacation. We've got a week here for break." She started bringing our bags into the house. The house was beautiful, two floors. It had stairs to the boardwalk, by the stairs to the beach. There were two bedrooms, two bedrooms, a kitchen, a dining room, a sitting room, and a balcony. "This is nice.""Yeah. Which room you want, Ry?" Oh, how my heart sunk when I heard that. I've fallen asleep with her within seeing distance every night for months. And now she'll be in a different room..."You pick, your house.""Uh, you pick. Your vacation." Ugh I hate when she makes me decide stuff. I walked up the stairs to the rooms. I went into the left one first. It had a nice big bed and windows looking at the beach. I went into the other room and saw a lower bed and a windowsill like the one at home. Suddenly, I was pushed into the room."Take that one. I know you like the window." She smiled and walked into the room. I started to unpack somethings. Then I sat in the windowsill and thought.This is okay. I can handle a wee alone with Sage. Everything will be okay. Meanwhile.. back at PSU..."Don't tell Sage about this.. I don't want her mad.""Jacob, relax.. She doesn't need to know what we do while she's away..""Thanks Ange.." Ange got up out of the bed where Jacob stayed."Sorry, baby, I've got to go.""Awe, well. Then this will be it for a while, I leave tomorrow.""Okay baby, let me know when you get back." She kissed him and left. Out his apartment door she went. She got into her car and drove to someone else's house. She arrived at a house, and knocked."Ange? What the hell do you want?""I want you baby, duh.""I love Ry, I wouldn't do that to her. I've told you this.""But she won't give you what you need. I can do that. She's out of town, she'll never know.""I can't.""I don't take no as an answer." And as usual, Ange got her way. What those boys didn't know was that they were getting played harder than they were playing their girlfriends. And not a single soul knew about it other than them. But karma will come in time... "Come on, we've been here for 5 days and you refuse to go swimming!" So Sage is screaming at me. I don't want to go swimming. We've done everything else: Rock climbing, Amusement park, all-day Movies, shopping.. but I don't want to go swimming. Not with her, I have my reasons. "Can't we do something else?""NO. It's a BEACH, Ivory. We're going swimming, you have 10 minutes before I drag you out." She stormed out and closed the door. See, Sage is a diver. She literally lives in the water. I could only avoid this for so long, guess it's time. I pulled my black bikini out of the suitcase. I hate wearing bathing suits, but whatever. It fits my chest nicely, but my stomach sticks out. I'm too lazy to work out and eat like a pig so I've got quite a tummy. I know Sage wasn't kidding about dragging me, so I sucked it up, put on a cover-up and got my towel. I walked out and to see Sage in her cover-up with her towel."Let's go, you big baby." She grabbed my arm and dragged me down to the beach. We set our blanket out and I just lay there, taking in the sun. And then it went dark."What the-""Look alive, Ry. The water is over there.""No thanks, I'm good here.""Fine. 3..""Hop, what are you doing?""2..""Sage, don't you-""1!" She dumped a bucket of water on me. Where did she get a bucket?"SAGE I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!!" I threw off my now wet cover-up and turned after her. She was already in the water by the time I caught up. I tackled her and we splashed like little kids. It was fun. We laughed and had the time of our lives. This is a day I'd always remember, even though it was getting dark already. We floated around and laughed some more. But that thing I was afraid of.. It never went away. We got out of the water, and it happened. I saw her. She was.. wow. Sage wasn't ever confident about her body until we met. I told her she was beautiful, and I made her believe me. I even helped her lose a little weight so that she felt better. I've seen her in a bathing suit before, but they were one piece suits for diving. Now... God help me she is in a bikini, a blue one. Her brown hair is wet and flowing down her back. Her body.. I can't find a word to describe it. It's not hot, that's too sexual. But beautiful isn't strong enough. Seeing it... It makes me want to kiss her more-so than usual. It's hard to fight. Especially when she's laughing still from when I splashed her. And now I can see her smile.. That beautiful smile kills me every single time. I walked towards her without thinking. I was in a trance, all I wanted was to kiss her soft lips. I put my arms around her waist and put my face close to hers. I couldn't hold back, but I couldn't kiss her either. I could see the fear on her face. So I did the only thing I could: I ran back to my room and cried in the windowsill. Again, I lost track of time. I'm sure Sage ran after me, but probably had to get all of our stuff first. I heard the front door open and then close. I locked my bedroom door and sat back in the windowsill. Then I had an idea. I unlocked the door, dried my face, and waited until she came up the stairs. As she neared my room, I walked out."Hey, what the hell was-""Sorry. I think I swallowed too much water and got a bit sick.""You looked like you were going to-""Nah, just got dizzy." I couldn't let her finish a sentence, I was scared with what she was going to say."And you're okay?""Fine." She nodded, handed me my stuff, and went into her room. I went into mine and locked the door. I changed, lay down, and thought about her until I fell asleep.

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