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Okay, so first, this is my VERY FIRST story. Don't judge me pls? I am not that fluent in English. Filipino is my first language so expect that there are many grammatical errors in this story.

There are some cliche parts in this story.

Duh, we need some cliche moments in our life!

But if you do not want anything cliche, then go, do not read this story. And please, please, please, if ever you will post some comments and stuff, NO HATE JUST LOVE.

Possitive comments can help a person strive much harer rather than the negative ones.

Although I started writing because I was inspired by several authors bear in mind that I do not copy any other author's stories or plot twists. Not because I am a rookie author I'd do something like that. I am not a copy cat. There may be some scenes that would sound or look similar to other stories you have read but again I did not copy anything. This story is a product of my own imagination.

This story has been through many editing and revisions, I just started this story using my Tablet. Yup. Just my tablet and those were back the jejemon days. I also coud not complete this story because of school stuff. I am telling you, I am a very busy person when I'm in school. Although I wanted to write and finish this for a very long time I do not have time back then and besides I just have my tablet. I could not type properly. My fingers always hurt like hell after typing for like 5-8 minutes so I decided to wait until my parents rewarded with a new and functioning laptop, I have one but it is not actually useful to me.

And oh! The title, yes, this wasn't the original title actually, the original was so yuck, I swear I myself doesn't even know why I choose that title back then. I thought it was pretty but as time passed by I realize that it wasn't pretty good. And also the cover, I made the cover that's just what I can for now. The previous cover was also yuck in some ways. I'm telling you it looks jejemon.

Some of the scenes from here are still from the fourteen year old me which was years ago, actually just a couple of years, cause I am just seventeen. Yup. A seventeen year old girl. Don't expect anything from me just because the other seventeen year old authors out there are really great, I still lack in experience and maybe some imaginations. Some scenes may look childish, yes I know I made when I was fourteen and I am not teen age or adult minded that time, I still like to play back then. So, yeah.

I did not plan this to be this long, but it came out like this so, I just hope that you'd enjoy this story.

Walls and Boundaries




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