Chapter One: An Odd Day

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My awakening was abrupt. I looked over at my alarm clock which read '6:05.' I figured I might as well get ready for school. As I stepped out of bed something odd happened. The window that led to my balcony suddenly flew open, as if it had a mind of its own.

I shivered in the cold December wind. I crossed over to the window and shut it firmly.

Thinking nothing more of the odd way my window burst open, I went to the bathroom to take a long, hot shower. Honestly, I needed it. Life was just so stressful. I mean, my parents were in a very rocky stage in their marriage, and prom was coming up in 2 weeks. My long-term boyfriend, Ryan, still hadn't asked me.

When I finally stepped out of the shower, I saw two words written in the fog on the mirror: "We're watching..."

Obviously my little brother, George, was playing a very cruel prank on me. I turned to the door to open it only to find it was locked. The doors in this house couldn't be unlocked from the outside. Even the best criminal couldn't pick this lock. Which meant it was impossible for my little brother to get in.

I'm not gonna lie, I was very terrified. I quickly, almost angrily wiped the message from the mirror.

I stood in front of the mirror, looking at my reflection. I was beautiful in a very unforgettable way. I was also scared in a very undeniable way.

I shook my head, determined to shake off the weird message. Still, I couldn't help but wonder...

Who was "we" and why were they watching?

I got dressed and put on my makeup, unsuccessfully trying to push my worst fears out of my head.

I made my way downstairs. My mom was placing a plate of bacon on the table and my dad was reading the newspaper.

From the outside they seemed like one of those perfect couples from the fifties. But I, the inside source, knew that wasn't so. For the past month they had been arguing nonstop. I never really listened to what they argued about. I would insert my earbuds and shut them out.

"Good morning, Siberia," Mom greeted me cheerily, smiling at me prettily with her big brown eyes. "Sit down and eat breakfast."

"Can't," I said, shoving bacon into my mouth. "I have to hurry up and get to school."

My parents stared at me in shock.

"But, Siberia, it's only-"

"Gotta go!"

I hurried out and began walking to my car. Of course school didn't start for another twenty minutes, but I really couldn't stand to be in that house anymore.

I tried to convince myself it was just a silly little prank. That my brother had somehow picked the impossible to pick lock, and wrote that message on the mirror. But, still, I couldn't shake the gut deep feeling that it wasn't George.

I hugged my arms tighter around myself as I approached my car. I fumbled with my keys. I slipped into my car, tossing my book bag into the passengers seat.

As I put the keys in the ignition, I realized there was a single white piece of paper on my dashboard.

My stomach hit the ground. I reached out with a shaking hand to pick it up.

'"We're watching you, Siberia.'"

My heart skipped a few beats and then beat in overtime. Suddenly, I felt like I was being watched.

I quickly started the engine, put my foot on the gas and drove off like Satan himself was chasing me. I couldn't bear to be there any longer.

I pulled into the parking lot and my friend Madison greeted me. Madison was beautiful in an odd way. She had ginger hair and big blue eyes behind the frames of her not so stylish glasses. Her skin was all cream with little splashes of cinnamon all over. Her lips were neither full nor thin and they were shell pink.

She smiled and me with wide eyes and said, "Siberia Lane? Miss. Late To Every Class, is that you?"

I smiled at her through tight lips.

"Well, I'm early today."

She looked at me carefully and nodded.

"You wanna talk about it?" she asked, sympathetically.

I shook my head. "Honestly, Madison, I just wanna go to class."

Madison nodded again, seeming to come to some sort of conclusion.

"Then let's go, my friend." She smiled.

I smiled back, turning my face to the sky. What I saw made my blood run cold. "We're watching you," was written plain as day in the clouds.

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