
I love music. I mean, who doesn't? It's truly a force of nature. For example, '24K Magic' is playing by Bruno Pluto or whatever, and it's got a ridiculously awesome vibe. It's a beat like this that causes me to dance - because, you know, I'm a great dancer.

So, I am currently in the hallway of Hazel's house, finishing a slice of pizza as I move my body to '24K Magic'. Just as I'm moonwalking like the God that I am, I bang straight into a body.

And fall on my ass.

"Ow," I mutter, trying to get up before I soon realise there's another body laying over mine, murmuring soft profanities. The body against mine is female if the slight curves and long, blonde hair tells me anything. Though, I guess it could be a male with some serious boobage going on. But then they look up and... Nope, definitely not a boy. I don't typically find guys attractive, so I'd be questioning my sexuality right now if this gorgeous girl was indeed a part of the male community.

Green eyes blink down at me, "Liam?"

She knows my name. Why does she know my name? Do I know her? I mull over that, assessing her small nose, high cheekbones, almond-shaped eyes and plump lips. She definitely looks familiar, I think as I tilt my head in confusion. 

I don't do one night stands, so it can't be that.

"You don't remember me, do you?" I shake my head in shame, but she just laughs, "I'm Ivy, Hazel's sister, the girl you're actually supposed to be looking out for tonight."

Right, I thought there was something I was supposed to be doing.

"I'm so sorry! I forgot." Apologising seems pointless but I'm sincere as I say the words, looking up into her twinkling eyes.

"Don't worry about it, you were pretty buzzed when we met." She shrugs, getting up and sitting next to me, leaning against the wall. I straighten up to, assuming the same position she's in. Our shoulders are touching and I take notice of how warm she is. Of how enticing she smells. Is that weird? That I find her scent enticing?

Of course it's weird, Liam.

I move my head to the side so I can look at her clearly. Ivy does the same.

"I do remember now." I grin, "Sorry about disappearing. How long has it been? Where's Hunter?"

Ivy lets out a whole-hearted, beautiful laugh, "It's been two hours. Hunter left a while ago when I promised to come find you. I guess I found you."

"I guess you did," I reply quietly, gazing at her attentively, "You have beautiful eyes." Watching the deep blush cross her cheeks, I have no regrets. I can't blame it on the alcohol even if I wanted to because unlike earlier, I'm almost completely sober. After Veronica my heart earlier this year, I haven't sought out any other girls. But there's just something about Ivy that draws me in.

I don't like it.

I think about getting up and leaving, but then Ivy gifts me with a shy smile and soft words, "Thank you, Liam."

Nodding, I'm unable to do anything else as we hold eye contact.

"Can I ask you a question?" She looks away briefly and I'm hit with an emotion I don't understand. But I do understand that I miss the emerald hue of her eyes staring into mine, even if I was just connected with them a moment ago.

How cheesy, get it together man.

"What do you want to know, Miss Bradley?" I ask in mock formal manner. Ivy lets out a giggle, igniting the large, smug grin on my face.

A Paper Memory (Diary Series #3)Where stories live. Discover now