"See ya there."

I changed into a pink and blue striped bikini that tied around the neck. I put shorts and a tank over it then slipped into some flip flops. I put my blonde hair into a ponytail and found my sunglasses.

I was at the beach in 15 minutes. I parked and went to find Kristie and Joey. On the beach, there were people playing volleyball and catch in the water. I checked the cabana first then went to the little restaurant. I walked through looking for their familiar faces. When I didn't find them, I went back out.

I found Kristie and Joey walking hand-in-hand from the parking lot. I went over to them and Kristie immediately hugged me.

"Thank you for coming." She said. "Now we can work on finding you a man."

I rolled my eyes. "Is that the only reason you wanted me to come? You know it never works." Every time I date someone, they find out I have a baby and then they dump me. I'm going to be single forever all because I got knocked up at 16.

"Nonsense! You just have to keep looking and trying. There's a guy out there that isn't a jerk, though you seem to always draw them in." I sighed.

We found an empty place on the beach and set up. I sat down on my towel and began putting sunscreen on.

"What are you doing!" Kristie asks, snatching the sunscreen bottle from me.

"Putting on sunscreen so I won't burn. What are you doing?" I took the bottle back.

"You're supposed to ask a guy to do it for you. Don't you know how it works?"

"Yes, I know how it works. But I'm not trying because there's no use. I'm no good. I have a baby. Guys don't like girls with baby's."

"Some guys do. You just have to keep looking."

After applying sunscreen, I laid back to get a tan. I frowned when my cell began to ring. I sat up and grabbed it from my bag. I saw it was Drake calling.

"What is it?" I asked, upset that he interrupted my tanning.

"You didn't pack any bottles." He said, sounding angry. I could hear Brandon crying in the background.

"I figured you'd have some. I left and entire pack there last week."

"Well they're not here anymore. Go buy some and bring them over."

"No! You go buy some. You're the one that lost the bottles."

"I already pay you 300 dollars a week!"

"I don't care! It's not my problem!"

The phone was snatched away from me and Kristie put it to her ear and began talking to Drake.

"Look jerk, of you're the one that lost the bottles you should be the one to buy some more! Step up and be a father. You've already failed at life, try not to fail at that."

She handed the phone back to me with a smirk on her face. I took the phone from her and put it back up to my ear.

"Just buy some stupid bottles so that Brandon will stop crying."

"I'll just give him some left over takeout."

"Babies can't eat takeout you moron!"

"Well I don't feel like going out to buy bottles!"

I sighed. "Fine, I'll buy bottles and be over."

I groaned and gripped onto my hair. He's so annoying. He always wins the fight and I hate that. He's so lazy and uncaring.

My Baby's DaddyWhere stories live. Discover now