Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Point of view: Maive

It felt like we ran forever. I didn't even know his name but he was so willing to help me. I didn't understand it.

Why did he care?

Eventually we reached a janitors closet, he threw me in it and closed the door. It was a painful landing to be honest but it was better than being hit on by Mr. Clark. I sighed and sat up more comfortably in the tight space. I tried to get out but the door was locked from the outside. I started to feel a bit claustrophobic. It became harder to breath and I started to hyperventilate. The handsome blonde boy must have heard me because he suddenly opened the door. He crouched down and picked me up. He set me down outside of the closet and smiled. "Are you okay?" He asked sweetly. I nodded and looked down. He crouched down and looked up at me. "What were you running from?" He asked quietly. "Some guy...but don't worry about it..." I said shyly. He smiled and raised one eyebrow. "Well he obviosly wasn't just some guy not to be worried about...Otherwise you wouldn't have been so scared" He said some what flirtasious way. I combed my fingers through my hair nervously and smiled awkwardly. He smiled and kissed my hand. "I'm Sawyer...My lady" He said sweetly. I blushed and my face got hot. "Uh...I'm M-Ma-aive" I stammered nervously and stepped back. He stepped two steps closer and kissed me. My eyes widened and I blushed even more. It felt like the longest kiss of my life and I didn't want to stop. I closed my eyes and kissed him back. He slid his tongue in my mouth and I felt a spark. I broke the kiss and smiled at him. He smiled brightly and licked his teeth that all of a sudden looked like fangs. I gasped and before I could say anything he ran. Only my second day at school and already things were weird.

I quickly finished dinner and looked around the dinning room for Sawyer. I saw him across the room sitting next to Aberdeen, Remi and Juniper. I carefully watched the four of them. They all seemed to be friends and I felt a little left out. I sighed and walked out of the dinning room. I walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I left the bathroom and saw Mr.Clark with his back facing me. I tried to act natural but when ever people try to act causual they just act really weird. That's kinda what happened. I awkwardly walked towards the dining hall. I just ended up looking like a dork and Mr. Clark saw me. "Oh Hello Maive..." He purred sweetly. I groaned and turned to look at him. "Hi Mr. Clark..." I said calmly even though my heart was racing.

Then Sawyer came out of the dining room. "Oh crap..." I mumbled to myself. Sawyer stepped between me and Mr. Clark. I slowly stepped back and watched them from a distance. Mr. Clark raised one eyebrow and smirked. "What is it Sawyer?" He asked causually. Sawyer frowned and scowled at him. "You were the guy chasing Maive....weren't you?" He said rudely. Mr. Clark chuckled and stepped closer to Sawyer. "I don't know what your talking about but if I was....What would you do about it?" He said mockingly and enphasied the you. I slowly walked closer to the dining room and watched Sawyer get angry. "It was you...You pedophile!" Sawyer yelled and pushed Mr. Clark. I walked into the dining hall pretending to not notice the yelling from outside the room. The last thing I heard either of them say was. "Oh you think I'll woo your little crush and take her away from you?" Mr. Clark said meanly and chuckled. "Well believe me I will..." He said in a evil way which sent shivers up my spine.

Dinner was dismissed and I quickly left the room. Mr. Clark and Sawyer were talking to the principal out side of the dining room. Mr. Clark had a black eye, a few bruises and a bloody lip. Sawyer had a bloody nose, a few scratches and his face was swollen. Mr. Clark was saying how Sawyer attacked him over a class assignment. Which was a lie but of course they believed Mr. Clark and not Sawyer. Sawyer was given detention and taken off the fencing team.

I walked away. I didn't want to hear anymore. Sawyer knew he was going to get in trouble but he still defended me. I barely knew the guy but he seemed to be in love with me. I'm not super beautiful, smart or special but I had guys falling for me left and right. What was going on? I was confused but I just let it go.

I walked to my room. My roommates were surprisingly in the room. I quickly sat on my bed and Aberdeen glared at me. "What happened between Sawyer and Mr. Clark?" She asked me suspiciously. I pretended to not know what she was talking about. "Who's Sawyer?..." I asked innocently and faked a confused face. She could see through my facade. She rolled her eyes and laid down in her bed. "Sure..." She said smugly and grabbed her phone. She held in far from her face and looked at the screen. I stood up and looked through my dresser for a book. The door flew open and a strawberry blonde haired girl stormed into the room.

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